Silence the Noisy Thoughts — Monday, December, 9, 2024

Silence the Noisy thoughts in your mind.  Step away from things that make you sad, or depressed. Or thoughts of anger or revenge. Step outside,...

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Moments and Miracles

 The tiniest crack of light enters my bedroom window each morning and I awaken - eager to start the day.  We dress and head...

Automated spraying

Nowadays, there is a high demand for automated machines that streamline work processes These machines are designed to perform tasks more efficiently and therefore...

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Herbal Harvest

Zucchini… – Tiny Farm Blog

Always reliable, and still a pleasure, with a sense of wonder and a little relief, to see the first zucchini of the year appear....

Weighing Livestock for Profit | Weigh-Tec

Farmers and ranchers weigh livestock to measure meat quantity and ensure buyers receive what they are paying for. Heavier livestock is generally considered healthier,...
Advocating for Agriculture Takes a Village

Investment in Agriculture: Boosting Canada’s Future

What is the future of agriculture in Canada? This is a question I spend a lot of time...
There are Just SOME Days—-Sunday, October 20, 2024

There are Just SOME Days—-Sunday, October 20, 2024

That brings such joy to one’s heart, a big silent cry of pleasure! There is a feeling that...
20 Ways to DESTROY Weeds in Your Garden

20 Ways to DESTROY Weeds in Your Garden

 It’s late February/early March and down here in Alabama that means it is time to plant.  Yay!...
Tiny Farm Blog

Zucchini… – Tiny Farm Blog

Always reliable, and still a pleasure, with a sense of wonder and a little relief, to see...


Listen! Please Listen, My Friends —-Monday, October 7, 2024

Meander outside Close your eyes And Listen! Listen to the leaves, touch the trees, brush your hand on the bushes Hear the birds And all the other winged-creatures who...