The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on 2024 Friday—The Huge, GIANT Rain Event, Friday, October 4, 2024

Chapter Seven— I Think I Need to Find Mom I got tired of looking for mice, And lizards—boy, those are super-fast and fun to catch, or a...

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Harvest Doesn’t End With The Produce

 I can say with 100% certainty... this has been the best harvest year yet for our fruits, veggies, herbs, and flowers! It was a year...

John Deere Corn Binder – Equipment & Facilities

Directions for Setting Up and OperatingJohn Deere Corn BinderBack in the day, when you might have purchased this unit new, these set-up instructions would...

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Herbal Harvest

Sunday Our Air Smelled of Rain —Tuesday, September 17, 2024

And it was very chilly—enough we had to wear jackets outside Hurry! Hurry! I think/yell as the birds tumble through the sky—- “By all these lovely...

The Blessing of Memory

 Last week, a kind farm friend reminded me that although life tasks us with moving forward - it is sometimes a good thing to...
New York Horsefarmer Ed Button and his Belgians

New York Horsefarmer: Ed Button and his Belgians –...

New York Horsefarmer: Ed Button and his Belgiansby Kathleen E. Suits SmithIn New York State one does...
PG County is Rolling With Soy Tires

PG County is Rolling With Soy Tires

The same soybean oil that gives your favorite candle its soothing glow is now helping vehicles roll...
Rare breed pig farmers Sarah and Byron Odell are visited on their Shropshire farm by adviser Karen Fisher from the Soil Association. They stand in a field with pigs in the background.

There’s still time to get free business advice –...

Rare breed pig farmers Sarah and Byron Odell are visited on their Shropshire farm by adviser Karen...
Bee Haven Acres... Tales From The Farm

Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

I can be a very solitary person... happily immersed in all that is happening around me.  However,...


Wheat – Crops & Soil

Wheatby E.E. Elliott and T.L. Lyonreprinted from the Cyclopedia of American Agriculture, edited by Liberty Hyde Bailey, copyright 1907Wheat is a plant of vast...