Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!  (We are grateful to have the opportunity to say that!)Many of our Thanksgiving posts in the past featured these guys...Over our...

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Potato spotting – Tiny Farm Blog

When you spend a lot of time scanning the ground for the very first sign of germination, you get pretty good at spotting new...

Meishan Pigs – Livestock – Small Farmer’s JournalSmall Farmer’s Journal

Meishan Pigs: The Best Small Farm Hog You’ve Never Heard Ofby Rico Silvera of Niota, TNThe Challenge of Raising Pigs on a Small FarmAt...

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Herbal Harvest

Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

Every morning, the sun rises and we head out to greet our critters.  Every morning, hearing the garage door opening, the donkeys loudly bray...

WE GOT MUCH NEEDED RAIN!!!! —-Thursday, October 31, 2024

Finally, the rains came!  We have needed rain desperately!  The Last time we got rain it was in August! RAIN!  Lovely! Lovely! RAIN! YAY! Your friend on...
Truck Scale System Accessories | Weigh-Tec

Truck Scale System Accessories | Weigh-Tec

Accessories Quality truck scale accessories increase efficiencies and optimize the flow of trucks in and out of your...
Bee Haven Acres... Tales From The Farm

Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

One thing that Autumn always seems to deliver is beautiful sunrises!During morning chores my eyes were riveted...
How to start a pig farming business

How to start a pig farming business

A misperception exists that pig farming is a quick cash activity due to the short lifespan of...
New York Horsefarmer Ed Button and his Belgians

New York Horsefarmer: Ed Button and his Belgians –...

New York Horsefarmer: Ed Button and his Belgiansby Kathleen E. Suits SmithIn New York State one does...


Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

One thing that Autumn always seems to deliver is beautiful sunrises!During morning chores my eyes were riveted to the field across the street from...