With the recent event of chicken not laying eggs because of a certain line of chicken feed. Many people are looking elsewhere on what to feed their chickens. I too was affected by this and did not get eggs for a good 6 months until I made the change to a 100% homemade diet. Now to be clear, I’m not a chicken dietitian. Just a fellow homesteader that looked into the advice of others and have come up with my own diet plan.
Most other people were simply doing beans and rice for their chickens and were getting egg production back. However, that is not a balanced diet. Chickens need more variety (just like us) to be healthy.
*FINALLY, A Smart Coop For Chickens (CLICK HERE)*
Is This A Complete Diet?
In addition to free ranging and kitchen scraps, yes, I believe this is a complete diet for chickens.
How Much To Feed?
The recipe below feeds about 5 of my birds for the day. But it’ll depend on how much natural forage your chickens get as they free range. Just modify what you feed based on what your flock consumes in a day.
The Ingredients Explained
Mealworms/Sardines – I consider this to be one of the most important ingredients. The beans in this recipe add a vegetarian type of protein. But chickens require animal or insect protein to thrive. Mealworms and sardines are pretty affordable. But if you have it, you can supplement with other types of proteins if you have it like beef, pork, other types of fish. Just avoid feeding chicken to your chickens. Some people who want to make it more simple use cat food. Cat food is higher in meat content than dog food. You’ll want to find a quality cat food that does not have chicken in it and is preferably grain free.
Related Post: How To Raise Mealworms For Your Chickens
Sprouts – I won’t go into depth for this as I already have a previous post on it that can be found here. But sprouts are a healthy addition to your homemade chicken feed and makes all those nutrients more bio available to your birds.
Related Post: Where To Buy Ingredients For Sprouts
Beans – Like I said above, beans are a vegetarian source of protein for your birds. Just make sure you are also providing meat/insect proteins alongside it. My chicken will eat the beans, but also tend to leave some behind each day. They get what they need and then leave the rest.
Rice/Lentils/Quinoa (cooked) – Rice provides energy source and nutrients, lentils add a little protein, quinoa provides additional nutrients. Research has shown that quinoa should not exceed 15% of a chicken’s diet.
Kelp Granules – Great source of trace minerals for your birds.
Rolled Oats – I use this one occasion when we have some that we need to get rid of. Though an article I read suggested oatmeal not being that nutritious for chickens. Article provided below.
BOSS (Black Oil Sunflower Seeds) – This is already in the birds sprouting mix I use. But I like to add a little extra in winter or as an occasional treat. It’s high in protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats for shiny/healthy feathers.
Molly Herbals Deworming Powder – A must have for any homestead. Great for deworming your flock . . . or any other pets you have. I use this at least 2 timers per year for my chickens, goats, and dogs. Use as directed.
Oregano – Good natural dewormer and immune support which helps against illness.
Moringa Leaf Powder – Nutritional powerhouse that’s great for immune support and can potentially increase egg production.
Salt – Everything needs salt to live. But be very careful with this one. I only sprinkle a little on their food 2-3 timers per week, as if I were salting my own food for taste. If your birds’ free range, they likely get a little salt naturally.
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Recipe For Roughly 5 Chickens Per Day
1/4 Cup Mealworms
1 Quart Mason Jar Sprouts
1 Cup Beans (I do a mix of black, kidney, & pinto)
3 Cups Rice (I do white and brown as well as 25% lentils and quinoa depending on what I have)
1 Tbs Kelp Granules
Handful of rolled oats
1 tbs BOSS
1 tbs Molly Herbals Deworming Powder
Sprinkle of Oregano (the seasoning – good dewormer)
tsp Moringa Leaf Powder
Sprinkle Of Salt
2-3 Sardines (1 tin once per week – lasts 2 days)
*For Busy Chewers Try Natural Dog Chews By RedBarn (CLICK HERE)*
Recommended Products (clickable)
QUINOA IN POULTRY DIETS – Small and backyard poultry (extension.org)
The Shocking Effect of Feeding an Oatmeal Breakfast on Chickens (the-chicken-chick.com)
Application of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) as Natural Feed Supplement in Poultry Diets – PMC (nih.gov)