Olive grove. Autumn treatment

In this article we are talking about the third phytosanitary treatment in the olive grove this year. Since, we have already shown you the fruit set (June) and pre-flowering (April). On this occasion, we go with the autumn season, which in addition to nutrition, we are taking advantage to prevent some diseases such as the olive fly. In each treatment, the products we use to optimize the growth and development of the olive tree and the olives are different, always following the recommendations of our advisor Rafael Navarro. This time the treatment is based on copper and potassium sulphate, although we use other products to help nourish the tree and fatten the olives.This autumn treatment is usually takes place in October, but this time we had to advance it until the end of September as we have had rain and the humidity could bring forward the arrival of the olive fly. In this respect, we have carried out a preventive treatment with the product Sikori (from Tradecorp) based on the active ingredient Acetamiprid. As you can see in the photos, the olives this year look superb… or maybe they did.We say they had, because a few days ago we had some hail and many of the olives fell to the ground and others were damaged. We believe that it was not a major problem, but it will certainly have an impact on this year’s yield, which seemed to be optimal. The last pictures show the state of the olives after the hail.After this, there is little work left until the harvest: some manure spreading on some fields and soil management to control weeds… We will show you this work and give you a summary of the year.

Versión en español.

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