New Makako-GF677 almond plantation

Once again, we will analyze different plantations and crops, focusing on woody crops to the detriment of cereals and pulse vegetables. It is true that our favorite woody crop is the olive grove, but, on this occasion, we have chosen the almond tree in order to diversify our farm . We have evaluated different plantation options and we have deduced that the field for this plantation is more favorable for almond trees. So, we are already involved in the cultivation of almond trees and even thinking that if these trees are doing well this year, we probably will expand our farm with more almond plants next year. The garden center where we always buy the plant, Viveros Casilla de Bayo, recommended planting the Makako variety, which is an extra late flowering variety (it will flower about 15 days later than usual). The rootstock we used was GF677. The hybrid GF677 has a medium tolerance to root asphyxia and drought, which is well adapted to chalky soils, it tolerates iron chlorosis, but it is a nematode sensitive rootstock. It confers high vigor. Therefore, we have followed the recommendations that Horacio (owner of the nursery) has made to us. Another decision to be taken was the planting frame. Our friend Juan, from Almendras Aljemí, encouraged us to plant in a frame of 7×6 meters in order to have a few more trees per hectare. Horacio also noted that he likes this planting frame for the almond tree and, in particular, for Makako as this variety does not involve a very bulky tree. But speaking to other farmers in our area, they all indicated that a 7×7 meter frame would be the best to be able to work without problems… so the definitive planting frame selected has been 7×7 meters. We are going to show you the evolution of the almond trees and we are sure that we will learn new things as the trees grow and share them with you.

Versión en español.

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