No Rhyme or Reason

 There are times, when life is quiet around here, that I don’t have a story to tell.  That’s not to say that I don’t have things to share – just not a cohesive story.  And so, today… just a hodgepodge of tiny moments – unrelated, but certainly not unworthy.  Besides, I talk enough on this blog for several people.  Today… just a little word about each unrelated photo.Precious Pete – heaviest cat on the farm!18 loofas in various stages…This one is approaching the stage when I will pick and peel it… just a little bit longer…The morning duck count – up to 38 mamas and youngsters.  No males have arrived as of yet.Hanging on by his toenails – literally!The vines that have covered the arbor in front of Maven Haven… I love this look – but it’s quite fleeting.  A single frost will wipe out all of the leaves at some point.Autumn planting of sugar peas, now starting to climb their trellis…This light pink rosebush always blooms a single red rose… just one… and not at the same spot.  The rest of the bush is entirely pink.  Very curious!We’ve had a big problem with wasps this summer.  Hubbs has done a great job in keeping them off of all of our structures – especially those that the kids play on.  We found this one on the playhouse, on one of those 44 degree mornings the other week.  Needless to say, none of them survived the wasp spray ( a task normally done at night – however the cold had these guys barely able to move).A brass garden bell that I bought at the Penn State Arts Festival this summer.  I love the soft “ding” that it produces when a light breeze blows.One of my hydrangea favorites…Monarch season has arrived…Here’s hoping your day is a lovely one!!

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