Winner Winner: It’s Hay For Dinner!

How Carla Schultz Handles Meal-Planning for 50 Head of Cattle Most people know that cattle eat grass and hay. But how do they get the...

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The Importance Of Leadership In Ag

By Cassidy Nemec We place a lot of stories and information in this publication that feature leadership programs, people who are proven leaders and many...

Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

 The sun has reached the horizon.  It's cold, but there's a promise of warmth in the afternoon.  The horses are peacefully grazing,And the ducks...

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Herbal Harvest

Investment in Agriculture: Boosting Canada’s Future

What is the future of agriculture in Canada? This is a question I spend a lot of time thinking about. As a farmer, the future...

Heifer 75 Becoming a Cow

Heifer 75 Becoming a Cow This 2022 born heifer is becoming a nice cow. She raised her first calf this year. The Number 75 heifer...
Swine flu or swine fever? Know the difference!

Swine flu or swine fever? Know the difference!

In order to ensure proper treatment for and management of pig diseases, farmers must know the differences...
Finding Farmland For Your Farm

Finding Farmland For Your Farm

There's a lot that goes into farming and there's a lot to think about before buying land...
Mechanical weed control and fertilisation improvements

Mechanical weed control and fertilisation improvements

Last summer we were contacted by Jacob Gubi (one of the owners of the company GST Denmark)....
Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

After what seemed like weeks of rain, we enjoyed the most spectacular fall weekend.  The weather was...


Advancing work on supply chain fairness – Farming

Credit: David Wright  Today, Steve Reed, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, announced that the government will advance work on supply chain...