Showing the John Deere-Syracuse No. 210 Sulky equipped with 16-inch bottom with wing extension. This equipment assures clean covering and is used effectively in sections infested by the European corn borer.John Deere-Syracuse No. 210 Sulky PlowLifted right from an old sales brochure from circa 1910. – SFJA Light-Draft, All-Wheel-Carried Plow for Every Type of SoilThe John Deere-Syracuse No. 210 Sulky Plow is acknowledged to be the lightest-draft plow of its type.It does an extra good job of plowing in any kind of soil and under all conditions.It runs level and plows at uniform depth, always — even when turning square corners.It’s the all-wheel-carried plow that has established its superiority wherever the use of this type of plow is practical.The advantages of the No. 210 over the ordinary sulky are many. The special design of rolling landside, and the fact that the plow can be used with either the Syracuse or John Deere clean-shedding bottoms are features responsible for the extremely light-draft and good working qualities of the No. 210 in a variety of conditions.This view of the No. 210 shows the rolling landside to good advantage. Notice the solid, smooth surface and cleaning device which prevent clogging. Solid furrow wheels do not gather trash, weeds or grass.The Rolling Landside Carries the Rear WeightRolling Landside Assures Light DraftThe rear weight of the No. 210 is supported by the rolling landside — an original Syracuse feature — which serves as the third leg of a triangular rolling support. All of the body and frame weight is properly balanced and rolls on three bearings that run in oil. Thus, friction between the plow and the bottom of the furrow is eliminated, and side pressure against the furrow wall is minimized.Rolling Landside Means Share EconomyShares stay sharp and last longer on the No. 210 Sulky than on other riding plows, because the rolling landside prevents the plow from running on its nose — a position ruinous to shares. Neither is there any dragging friction, which is equally destructive to share life and light draft.Requires No Adjustment in the FieldThe relation between the rolling landside and the share is permanent — it is “built in” at the factory. No adjustment in the field is ever required.Showing the left-hand No. 210 with John Deere MP steel bottom, solid moldboard and plain rolling coulter.Front Furrow Wheel Governs the No. 210 – Ensures Uniform PlowingFront Furrow Wheel Governs PlowAside from the rolling landside and the interchange of bottoms suitable for all sections, the No. 210 has one big, outstanding feature that is found only on this sulky — it’s the front furrow caster wheel that actually governs the plow, the controlling device that automatically keeps the plow cutting furrows at uniform width and depth at all times.How It WorksWith the sulky settled to its work in the straight furrow, the controlling lever is in correct position when the plunger is resting in the center notch. The sulky is then being governed automatically. Just before reaching a corner, the latch is released by a simple hand movement.As the team and plow again settle to work on the straight-away, the lever seeks its proper position and the plunger engages automatically. Except for the movement required when releasing the latch at the turns, the operator has both hands free at all times for managing his team. The whole operation is unusually simple; the control of the sulky at the turns is a revelation to plowmen.Special Front Furrow Wheel SupportThe front furrow wheel support on the John Deere-Syracuse No. 210 Sulky is the first to be really successful. It does not cramp or bind — faults which are frequently found with a slide bearing.The support consists of two round steel axle bails, set one above the other, and having duplicate offset. A single lever operates both axle bails in unison. The inner and outer ends of the bails revolve in oiled bearings, making the vertical motion smooth and practically frictionless — there is no binding or cramping.Adjustment for Furrow Width Is Easily Made and Is PositiveIn order to adjust the front furrow wheel in or out for a narrower or wider furrow, it is only necessary to loosen one set-screw on each bail, set the wheel where desired, and tighten the setscrews.This view shows the John Deere-Syracuse right-hand No. 210 Sulky with jointer and Syracuse chilled moldboard with detachable shin piece.Sand-Proof Bearings — Trash-Proof Furrow WheelsThe front furrow wheel and land wheel are provided with the most up-to-date type of magazine axle box obtainable; also sand caps, which completely cover the hubs and prevent sand from working into the bearings. Both furrow wheels are of the web, or solid, construction, spindle type, and will not gather trash, grass or weeds that otherwise might become wound around the axle. The rear furrow wheel, or rolling landside, revolves on a chilled bearing.Strong Clevis Has Wide Range of AdjustmentThe evener clevis is of the rigid type. With this clevis, the evener is held up when the team slackens, as in turning, making it difficult for the horses to step over the traces. A wide range of adjustment is provided, both lateral and vertical, to take care of any size of two- or three-horse team.Convenient Location of Seat and LeversFor convenience of operation, also, the No. 210 Sulky has no equal. The seat is placed to one side, well to the rear and low down. The foot rest is convenient and substantial. The man on the seat is made comfortable; he has all operating levers within easy reach.John Deere-Syracuse Plow BottomsJohn Deere-Syracuse plow bottoms are superior to other chilled bottoms. They are the result of many years’ experience in plow manufacture as well as constant study of the various soil conditions that require their use.Each bottom is carefully inspected, and passed only when it conforms to the John Deere high standard of quality. The materials used are of the highest grade obtainable.Syracuse chilled iron is the hardest metal used in plow construction. All Syracuse chilled moldboards, shares, landsides and shin pieces are poured against the chill with the wearing surface down. This fact is important, because when iron is poured, the impurities rise. The result is that every Syracuse part, by reason of the Syracuse method of chilling, will show a smooth, regular and even wearing surface without holes or pits.A secret annealing process is employed to prevent castings from warping when exposed to the air. This process assures uniformity and an entire absence of shrinkage cracks.In addition to the wearing qualities that are insured by the material and skill employed in their manufacture, Syracuse plow bottoms are designed with an intimate knowledge of the soil requirements in every locality where they are sold. They scour perfectly and create the most productive seed beds.Syracuse bottoms equipped with the Syracuse slat moldboard have no equal for cleaning, shedding and pulverizing in sticky land, and they are noted for their extremely light draft.Quick-Detachable Share used on the No. 210 Sulky.Quick-Detachable SharesAll bottoms for the No. 210 are furnished regularly with quick-detachable shares.The quick-detachable share is easy to put on and take off.The share is held firmly in place by an eyebolt hooked over a stud.Simply loosen the nut, lift the eyebolt from the stud, and the share can be easily slipped off.Slip the share back in place, hook the eyebolt, tighten the nut, and the share is on tight.And here is an important point to consider: When the nut is tightened, the share fits closely to the moldboard at every point of contact. It stays tight.The nut is within easy reach from the rear of the plow. It isn’t necessary to turn the plow over to change shares.Detachable Shin PieceChilled bottoms for the No. 210 Sulky are equipped with a chilled iron detachable shin piece, which can, when worn, be replaced with a new shin piece, enabling the operator to maintain a keen-cutting edge at small expense.Equipment for John Deere-Syracuse Corn-Borer plows. This view shows the equipment furnished on each bottom of these plows: Moldboard wing extension, 18-inch rolling coulter, independent jointer and trash wire (10-ft).EquipmentThe Syracuse chilled jointer and John Deere three-horse steel evener are regular equipment.The plain rolling coulter or John Deere combination rolling coulter and jointer can be furnished in place of the jointer when desired.Both the Syracuse chilled jointer and plain rolling coulter can be used at the same time by attaching the rolling coulter just ahead of, and with blade slightly overlapping, the jointer point.Equipped to fight the European corn borer. John Deere-Syracuse No. 210 equipped with 16-inch bottom, moldboard extension, 18-inch rolling coulter and independent jointer; 10-foot trash wire also included.The capacity of the No. 210 to cover thoroughly and plow clean has been demonstrated in the regions infested by the European corn borer. When the borer started its march westward, the No. 210 with corn-borer equipment, as illustrated above, proved to be a valuable factor in repelling the advance of the foreign invader. Watch the No. 210 at work in the field; notice how effectively, it covers trash and stalks.Bottom Equipment for the John Deere-Syracuse No. 210 SulkyAn adjustment for the furrow wheel permits the interchange of bottoms ranging in capacity from 9 to 16 inches.A big variety of bottom equipment is available, from which can be selected the style and size required for your purpose.
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