Chapter 8, After My Nap
“Hey, TLC!!!”
“Come on, come out from under the bed and let’s go outside!!? Boo Berry hollered at me.
I opened one eye.
There was Boo Berry staring me RIGHT in my FACE!! I mean RIGHT in the face! I could even feel her whiskers on my whiskers!
I jumped up. Hit my head on the bottom of the mattress, almost knocking me back down, crawled back up a bit slower; got out from under the bed.
Then was Boo Berry bouncing and prancing around, telling me to come on hurry—-Mom is getting ready to head outside.
I looked at her. Then I slowly, slowly stretched out my front paws as far as they would go, opened up my claws, and dug into the carpet.
“DON’T do that!!” Boo Berry screamed. “Mom doesn’t like it when you claw stuff!”
I just smirked. I drew my claws back in then stretched out my whole body, leaving my back legs and tail behind. Of course, I also stretched out my back claws to hang onto the carpet. (The back claws don’t work as well as the front paws, but they do a sorta tolerable job.)
“Come on! Mom is opening the backdoor!” With that Boo Berry was down the stairs and gone.
I heard the back door shut.
Hum…guess I wasn’t fast enough.
I sauntered down the stairs, into the kitchen, and jumped up on my special spot where my cat food is kept. (Mom gives me this special spot, preen, preen, because the dog would eat ALL my food and her food too.)
And I….don’t gobble my food down. I savor it. I eat a little, then I leave it, then I come back and eat a little more. Sometimes I refuse to eat it—just to keep things interesting.
For instance, I take two bites, look at Mom with horror on my face, then I try to cover it up like it is poop or something.
Or, I take two bites and gag…fish and turkey always make me gag. ACK! It is sooooooo nasty.
Beef is more like poop so I do try to bury it.
Now CHICKEN…that is a whole other story. Yummm, I like chicken.
Then again it must be the RIGHT chicken…
Oh!The back door opened.
“Oh, there you are TLC. It’s time you go outside with Boo Berry and me. You’ve been it long enough. We’ve got things to do and stuff to see, and you need to be there with me doing and seeing.”
Mom picked me up, put a bunch of pets on my head (my favorite place), walked with me in her arms to the back door, opened the door, and out we went.
There at the backdoor sat that smiling pooch.
“See I told you Mom wanted our help!” Boo Berry said as she trotted behind Mom who was pushing the wheelbarrow.
I yeowed at Mom, picked up my feet, and started after Mom and Boo Berry.
When we got to the brick flower beds Mom stopped, and started doing stuff in the flower beds. Boo Berry sat down in the shade put her head and her paws and watched everything Mom was doing.
I climbed up onto the nearest bed and started watching Mom also, when suddenly— MY TAIL RAISED STRAIGHT UP and creepy crawly tingles ran up my tailbone.
MOM! I screamed MOM!