Happy Anniversary, Hubbs!

 Today, we celebrate our anniversary – 20 years married to the most wonderful, kind, thoughtful, and generous human being that I have had the privilege of knowing.  Those of you who know him will agree with me!  We married later in life – and joined our two families together – our kids were teenagers at the time.  We are beyond lucky that all of our kids get along perfectly.  We’ve spent the past twenty years building our dream here on the farm and sharing it with all those we love.  His shirt says it all…Life is good!In celebration, we are heading out today for a day trip  – we’ll share our adventure with you in a future post.And no, we aren’t going by bicycle.Although we did take a ride yesterday.I think I need a camera mounted to the front of my bike.  There are so many photos I miss because I am busy cycling.  Yesterday, a lovely buck crossed the road right in front of us – a young one, with small antlers.  He came out of a cornfield on the left and crossed right into another one on the right, and I had no time to snap a photo.I stopped to talk to this fellow, however, and he was happy to pose for a photo.It’s that time of year when the swallows are congregating by the masses on telephone wires.Every so often, they all take off flying together, swooping and climbing over top of farm fields, eating whatever insects they find mid-flight.  Then back again they go to the wires.  I always imagine them planning their upcoming trip south.It’s soon that time.Amazingly, our hummingbird population has plummeted.  Just a few weeks ago, we were re-filling our feeders daily, sometimes twice.  Now, only an occasional couple of hummers visit the feeders – not the dozen or so that were constantly vying for position earlier this month.It’s these little signs that tell us Autumn is on its way.  These are just a few of the little things we have learned along the way in this farm life…. like how to live without a clock or calendar and yet know exactly where in the day, week, month and year we are by reading the subtle signs.  Nature has much to teach us….”May we enjoy another twenty years of learning together, sweet husband, dear friend.”Always and Forever… Happy Anniversary!

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