Chapter 12 Mom and Dad Come HOME!!!
“Hey, Boo! You can crawl out from under the bed now. The storm is all gone!”
“I want Mom!” Boo Berry whined.
“Well, Yeah, Me too!” I replied.
“We just have to wait.”
Just then we heard Dad’s big pick-up coming down the road.
We both jumped in the window and watched the Big Pick-up drive down the Long Lane and make the Corner over the bridge to the yard!
Then the pick-up just Stopped!
“THEY ARE HERE! “ Boo Berry screamed. She jumped down, with me right behind her; peeling down the upstairs steps until we got to the back door!
THEY ARE HERE!!! We are so ready for them—
“Gosh, it looks like it really rained here while we were gone,” Dad observed
Just then he turned the corner to go over the bridge—
“OH! MY! WORD!” Mom exclaimed. “I’ve never, ever seen rain like this here EVER!”
Dad slowly drove through the huge lake, opened the garage door, and parked.
“I’m going in to see how the fur kids are doing. It must have been a scary storm!”
Mom walked to the house and opened the back door.
“Oh! You are here!” Mom bent down and scooped both of us up into her arms. “There must have been a horrible rain here, but you look okay. It’s a good thing you weren’t outside, TLC! A very good thing!”
You got that right. I thought to myself.
Dad walked in…” Well, we just wait, the takeaway pipe will drain everything into the canal, but it might take all night. That was a LOT of rain!”
Yep, Dad was right. The water drained away overnight and gradually everything became puddles.
That was a HUGE big Storm! Boo Berry and I remarked to each other.
“I’m sure glad your tail warned us.”
“Yep! My tail knows!” I swaggered onto the grass and flopped down. My tail always knows!!
The End