Choose to Always and Forever to Generate Peace and Gladness —Monday, October 14, 2024

I am shy by nature.  So I find it hard to ‘put myself out there’

My Momma, on the other hand, was an extrovert, as was my Daddy

I was probably in the Second Grade when I told Momma it was hard, hard, hard to raise my hand and talk in class

She told me something I have never really forgotten– when someone talks to you and asks a question answering them is showing appreciation to their question.

Of course, I had to learn (often the hard way) that there are stinky questions no one has a right to ask, and we don’t have to answer.

Gradually, I learned that if the question awakens joy in me, then that is a question I can answer, brightening someone else’s day.
A simple, but in reality a very complex thought.
“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.”– Eleanor Roosevelt
From my world to your heart,

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