Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

We awoke yesterday to the first snow of the season.  I was beyond elated.  There’s something wonderful about that first snow that takes me back to my childhood… so many snow-filled memories – playing outdoors until frozen and then coming into the house for warm tea with milk and cinnamon toast.  Precious memories that always surface with the first snow.  Memories of my own children in the snow… sledding, building snowmen, snow days… The good thing about this snow… especially in this season of life, was the fact that it was beautiful, but not enough to have to shovel!Just a little snow is perfect!The tail end of the front that brought us snow brought us fiercely cold wind.  The blessing in that was that the horses and donkeys weren’t interested in going out to pasture.  I had planned on keeping them all in during this time when Red is “out of commission”.  Sadly, he is no better.  Happily, he is no worse.After giving Red his antibiotic and feeding the horses, we headed up to open the chicken houses.  The birds took one look at the snow and stopped in their tracks.After assessing the situation… they decided to forge ahead to the snacks that awaited them in their yard.However, most of the rest of the day, the chickens hid out in their houses… away from the icy winds.While we were busy cleaning chicken houses and filling waterers, Forrest was down the driveway barking and barking.It was a fearful bark – the kind saved for very scary circumstances.Jack ran down to see what it was that had Forrest so upset.  It was…an extremely scary plastic bag that had blown onto the farm from someone’s trash.As you can see, Chester and Annie are much braver than our pup.  They marched right up to that scary bag and gave it a good sniff.  “Nothing scary here!” they assured Forrest.  He wasn’t taking any chances, though.  He kept his distance… played it safe!I received a message that leaving comments is difficult.  Unfortunately, I am unable to change the way blogger sets up the commenting portion of the blog.  My apologies if this affects you.  If you receive it on Substack, you can comment there.  I love your comments… it makes me feel like we are having a conversation… but, no worries…  some things are beyond our control – especially when it comes to the internet.Sending hugs to all!!  Have a happy weekend!

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