It’s Sunday evening… the end of another beautiful weekend. Sadly, the cooler, drier air that we enjoyed last week has left us, temporarily, replaced by hot, humid air. By next weekend, however, cooler temperatures will return – what a perfect August!We had guests for the weekend – Hubbs’ step-mom and aunt. His uncle passed away this past February and had wished for some of his ashes to be interred here on the farm next to those of his brother (Hubbs’ dad). We built a small memorial garden near our barn with markers in remembrance of these two brothers who were also the best of friends. The black lab statue is in remembrance of his dad’s other best friend – his dog Ferdie.So, we spent much of Saturday enjoying our front porch with our guests and telling stories (most of them funny) about these two brothers who were dearly loved.As the sun set behind the trees, we watched the birds come and go from the bird feeders and noticed a bird sitting on the top of the spruce tree in the front yard for the longest time – reflecting the fiery sun as it dropped below the neighboring hills.I zoomed in with my camera to see this fellow… a purple finch, I believe.Meanwhile, chittering from mid-way down the same tree was a wren – unhappy that we were all sitting on the front porch. (There is a wren house that hangs on the front of the porch roof.)A branch away, this shy downy-woodpecker was also awaiting our departure from the porch so that he could visit the feeders.As I mentioned – it is now Sunday evening, and when I finish writing this blog post, we will head out to the barn to do the last feeding for the day. We’ll clean up manure, fill waterers, close up the birds, feed the sheep and pig,and make sure everyone has what they need to get through the night.Moonie is a bit impatient and paws at the ground to let us know he is starved!The cats are always quite engaging in the evenings.Unlike mornings, when they get their breakfast – evening time is always just about affection.All of the cats jump onto the gator requesting attentionAll, that is, except for the second Bea… who watches from a safe distance.As for Forrest – his foot seems a little better with each passing day!He missed a play date with two of his littermates… his brother Oakley (right) and his sister, Ahsoka (left).”Next time, Forrest.”
Things Are Heating Up
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