The Rains Came — Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Sunday the water felt like stinging drops, cold, hard rain, off and on all that day and into the night scattered bits of rain. On...

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Olive harvesting 2023

After a difficult year for harvesting, where only 10% of the cereal crop was harvested and no pulse vegetables could be gathered, we are...

The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-Shadows, Friday, December...

We haven’t seen our shadows for a while…but they are back! TLC and I like Shadows. Mom likes shadows more than I do. TLC doesn’t like his...

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Herbal Harvest

Animal welfare: Raising stress-free pigs

Raising stress-free pigs makes business sense, as it results in better growth of animals and fewer problems caused by disease. Dr Peter Evans of...

Mechanical weed control and fertilisation improvements

Last summer we were contacted by Jacob Gubi (one of the owners of the company GST Denmark). He wanted us to publish a post...
Breakfast Skillet Recipe with Potatoes

Breakfast Skillet Recipe with Potatoes

One of our favorite meals, this breakfast skillet recipe is not only for breakfast, but also...
News from the Farm | September 23, 2024

News from the Farm | September 2, 2024

I asked if I could write the newsletter this week because I realized it would probably be...
Yes, more snow predicted for last weekend of September – African Farming

Yes, more snow predicted for last weekend of September...

The snowfall from 20-22 September was one of the heaviest yet in areas around the Drakensberg. “This snow...
Canned Rhubarb Pie Filling - High Country Farmhouse

Canned Rhubarb Pie Filling – High Country Farmhouse

Rhubarb is one of those plants that you can harvest several times a year, and this was...


Top 7 Camping Products For Your Dog

Organic Real Ingredients! Check It Out – CLICK HERE! Get 30% Off Your First Subscription Order CLICK HERE! TRUWILD uses high-quality, handcrafted ingredients from nature, not a...