Update On Rule To Protect Workers From Heat Injury And Illness

On July 2, 2024, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration published a proposed rule designed to protect workers from illness and injury associated with...

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20-Year UC Davis Study Focuses On ‘Conservation Agriculture’

⋅ BY MICHAEL HSU ⋅UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Jeffrey Mitchell, the study’s lead author and a professor of UCCooperative Extension in the UC Davis Department...

How To Make Cottage Cheese From Raw Milk

A beautiful thing about having a milk cow is learning how to make cottage cheese. In the last year, as I’ve tried to up...

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Herbal Harvest

The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on 2024 Friday—The Huge,...

Chapter 11, It Has Arrived!!! Well, we can’t really see anything, so I’m going to take a nap.  I crawled under the bed where I...

How To Preserve Rhubarb: Making Full Use of This Simple Vegetable

I love rhubarb in the garden. Learning how to preserve rhubarb is a great way to be able to enjoy it for the entire...
John Deere Side Delivery Rake No 594

John Deere Side Delivery Rake No. 594 – Equipment...

John Deere Side Delivery Rake No. 594This material comes straight out of the John Deere manual for...
Everyone Loves A Little Special Attention!

Everyone Loves A Little Special Attention!

 I think we'd all agree, it's nice sometimes to have someone fuss over us.  Equines are the...
Horseshoeing Part 3A

Horseshoeing Part 3 – Livestock

Horseshoeing Part 3A Text-Book of Horseshoeingby A. Lungwitz and John W. Adams Copyright 1897This is the third...
67 Years Later, How a Farm Accident Changed our Lives by Carol Fellin – The Milk House

67 Years Later, How a Farm Accident Changed our...

Even after so many years, tears still fill my eyes when I think of my brother’s farm...


A Meditation on the Land by David Salner – The Milk House

A Meditation on the Land—remembering ­­a farm foreclosure.For Darrell Ringer, 1953-93 “Thank you,” he said, while the black eyesdrilled from the shadow of his ballcapas...