The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on 2024 Friday—The Huge, GIANT Rain Event, Friday, October 18, 2024

Chapter 9, Mom Doesn’t’ Understand

“TLC C-C,  What is the matter?”, Mom asked me as I came running toward her.

“Did something scare you?  Look at your giant bushy tail!  My goodness.  What is going on?”
Mom picked me up and petted me.
“Your eyes are HUGE, TLC Cai-Cai, HUGE!!  Did something chase you?”
MEOW!! MEOW!  I screamed at her.

I jumped down and ran back toward the house.
“You want in?” Mom puzzled.
“Okay, you can go it.  I don’t understand what has you so agitated, but, if you want in you can go in.”
Mom got up from what she was doing and started walking toward the house.

“Tell MOM!!  We have to hide!  In the house!!” I screamed at Boo Berry.   “TELL HER!!”

Boo Berry started dancing and walking in front of Mom…getting in Mom’s way.  Trying to get Mom to hurry to the house and get inside.
“BOO! Stop it!  You are going to make me fall down.”

Mom reached down and picked up Boo Berry.
“HURRY MOM!!! HURRY!” I yelled.
Boo Berry was squirming and twisting so bad in Mom’s arms that she reached down and gently sat Boo Berry on the ground.
“Geez, I don’t get whatever has gotten into you two, but if you want in the house.  Fine.  Here, go it.”

Just about the second the back door closed, we heard Dad enter the farm yard.
Mom was still standing by the backdoor when Dad walked up and asked Mom if she would like to go with him to town.  He needed a part.  They could also get a wee snack at one of the Fast Food Places so she wouldn’t have to fix lunch.
“Okay,” we heard Mom reply.  “Just let me get my purse and we are good to go!”

Mom opened the backdoor, and we started hollering at her…NO DO NOT GO!  A BIG STORM IS COMING!!
She walked on through the house, picked up her purse, knelt down, and petted us talking soothing baby talk.
“It’s going to be okay.”  I’ll be back in an hour or shortly after that. You are in the house now so whatever was out there you are safe now.”
With that, she shut the door, turned the key….and walked away.

Boo and I just looked at each other—

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