Last week, a kind farm friend reminded me that although life tasks us with moving forward – it is sometimes a good thing to take a look back. Moving forward is something we cannot help but do as this human existence is one on a linear timeline. We are blessed to have memories so that we can travel back to the moments we choose.I like to think of my memory as a stately, old library… Ornate wooden shelves stretch from floor to ceiling and contain the volumes filled with the moments that make up my life. Each shelf contains countless leather-bound volumes with gold lettering – a treasure trove of memories. As I wander the aisles, my fingers trail along the worn spines of the books as the scent of aged paper reaches my nose.There are shelves of brightly colored books filled with joyous memories… books that are dog-eared, well-read and highlighted. These are the volumes dedicated to the ones I hold close and to moments spent in laughter and love. Close to these treasured books are also tomes filled with adventure and exploration.I pull out a book, open its cover, and thumb through the dusty pages of days long gone. Immediately, I am transported to another place, another time. As I explore, I notice connections between memories – a song, a scent, an emotion – one memory evoking a cascade of others – the labyrinth of life.There are also the others, more somber in appearance, whose dusty, melancholy pages are etched with struggles, challenges, heartaches, and losses. And though I don’t often take these books down from the shelves, they serve as a reminder of lessons learned along the way. Naturally, there is also a section labeled “Forgotten” which seems to contain books that unlock with keys… keys that are very often misplaced!The pages that I write upon today are crisp and white. What I have come to understand is that the way in which I frame these memories is entirely up to me. And so, these last few volumes of my life will dwell on a shelf labeled Gratitude – not for the things that do or do not happen… but simply for the opportunity to write them down and add them to my library. Ultimately, the library of my memory is a reflection of my life – a testament to the beauty, complexity, and richness of my experiences. As I wander through the shelves, I rediscover myself and the memories that make me who I am.All of that to say, I’ve pulled a volume from my memory’s library so that we can take a look back at two souls who brought more joy to our hearts than we ever thought possible…. Ginger and MaryAnn! For those who arrived later and to those who have accompanied us on this journey… a few cherished memories… If you missed the origin story of Ginger and MaryAnn, you can read it here. in a previous blog post.This was their first day home at the farm… two tiny piggies tucked into a stall in the barn – kept company by our kitty, Leo.As they grew, they spent more and more time outside. Typically tended to by our Newfoundland, Maddie. Maddie loved her piggies so much. It was the only chance she had to be a Mama – and she took that job seriously.Brown Sammie was always curious about the girls – here experiencing their first snowfall.Ginger and MaryAnn were the highlight of the farm from 2011 through this year. There was never a single moment that we regretted bringing these two sweet sisters home to live on the farm. Kunekune pigs are amazingly clean. They are as smart as dogs (smarter than some!) and loving souls with the biggest hearts. I am so grateful to have such a large volume of wonderful memories of these two gals to cherish!PS: I am hoping for those of you who counted on a subscription service for our blog, that Substack will give you this opportunity. Please remember that although most Substack reads require a paid subscription, I am keeping this blog free to all. Let’s share the joy! Thanks for accompanying us on this journey! If you would like to be added to our daily email on Substack, you can sign up here.
The Blessing of Memory
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