Agro in Action

Days gone by we could enjoy entertaining day at the New Holland Campus in Peñarubias del Pirón (Segovia). A few days ago, Conrado (presenter...

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New guidance page for Integrated Pest Management – Farming

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a whole-farm approach that uses all available methods to prevent, monitor, and control pests, weeds and diseases. It can...

I Am Grateful for the Spots of Color We Still Have —Monday, December...

It won’t be long now, until ever where I look things will be a shade of brown.  The grass is getting lighter and lighter...

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Herbal Harvest

Technology and animal welfare improve piggery profits

Pig stud breeder and farmer CP Kriek is convinced that contented pigs are more productive. For this reason, he has brought his operation, Taaibosch...

Propagation by Means of Budding and Grafting Part 1 – How-To & Plans

Propagation by Means of Budding and Graftingtaken from The Nursery Manual (1934) by Liberty Hyde BaileyThe vegetative parts of plants may be severed and...
Sustainable Agriculture Thrives When Farmers are Free to Choose How to Farm

Sustainable Agriculture Thrives When Farmers are Free to Choose...

Nobody understands the importance of sustainability like family farmers—and if we’re allowed to make basic, strategic farming...
Cottonseed Fire Protocol - Cotton Farming

Cottonseed Fire Protocol – Cotton Farming

Cottonseed Fire Protocol This information outlines important guidelines and precautions for fire prevention and response in cottonseed storage...
Around Troupsburg by Daril Bentley – The Milk House

Around Troupsburg by Daril Bentley – The Milk House

Daril Bentley is author of several books of poetry and numerous poems published in journals in the...
California Asparagus Acreage Continues to Decline

California Asparagus Acreage Continues to Decline

In California, the spring harvest...


News from the Farm | August 26, 2024

Somehow, we have reached the end of August. The mornings last week were brisk; it only hit 87 degrees on Friday, and we all...