Chapter Seven— I Think I Need to Find Mom
I got tired of looking for mice,
And lizards—boy, those are super-fast and fun to catch, or
a squirrel
I got tired.
Just plain old tired
I think I need to figure out where Mom is.
If I butter her up she will pick me up and carry me to the house.
If I can’t find her outside, then I guess I will go to the back door and wait for someone to either come in or go out.
MOM! I yeowed
Oh! There you are Mom, purr, purr, rub, rub, purr.
“Oh, TLC my Cai-Cai, do you want Mom to pick you up and take you inside?” Mom reached down and put her hand on me.
Up I went. Right onto her arms, so we could walk into the house together.
“Sure, is cloudy out here today,” Mom talked to me as we walked toward the kitchen.
“It would be nice if it were to rain, but no one is holding their breath. The heavy clouds are all over on the Uncompahgre Plateau. I am sure they are getting rain, which is a good thing.”
Then we were at the house.
I wiggled and squirmed until I could jump down and head over to my food bowl.
I am so tired of all this rain talk—Food and a nap. That’s all I want!
Slurp, slurp, yum, chew.