Good Morning, Pete!!It’s the perfect day to stay cozy and snug under your heat lamp.Clouds have gathered and rain is on its way.Good Morning, Beatrix! Which one are you?I reach to give her a pet and she scampers away – oh, that one.”You know, your sister demands her lovin’ time… you might want to try it just once. Who knows, you might like it!”Morning was ushered in with no visible sunrise. A heavy layer of rain clouds were just about to overflow onto the land… much needed rain, at that!With a weather prediction of solid rain, I decided to forgo Moonie’s visor for the day. He would only have gotten it soaking wet – and with clouds this thick and the sun so low in the December sky, I thought he could have a day’s break from it. (You might remember he wears a UV blocking fly mask to protect his only remaining eye from the sun’s rays.)Barely visible in this photo is Red, who is standing behind Moonie eating his breakfast. We had a Vet visit yesterday – a check-up for Red. She agreed that he seems to be doing better… but wasn’t sure if it was due to the antibiotics kicking in or the addition of the anti-inflammatory medication. She suggested that we cut back on the anti-inflammatory and see how he is doing after that. Fingers crossed he holds the current course.Good morning, chickens! Enjoy your time outside. I guarantee… in about an hour you will be back inside to avoid the precipitation.Right on schedule, the rain moved in. It looks as though much of this week will be bring rain. This is a blessing, as we are behind in our rainfall after the dry autumn that we experienced.A couple times during the afternoon, I looked out the window at the bird feeders to see who was visiting.Each time, I saw this fluffy fellow…H just sat there for the longest time, gorging himself, in his luxurious winter coat.On the other bird feeder, was this guy (gal?) hanging by his toes…also, stuffing his face.It’s no wonder we go through so much birdseed… we’re feeding the whole neighborhood! Winter is no hardship for these pudgy fluff-balls. They waste no time trying to locate hidden nuts – there’s a smorgasbord available every day!Have no fear, the birds get plenty of time on the feeders as well. You’ve got to admit, though, we have a pretty chubby squirrel family here on the farm.For Debbie….Here is a photo of one of the holly bushes in our woods… we have a few more deeper in the woods, that get berries in the winter.From what I have read, common European holly (Christmas holly) is not native to the U.S. It has become an invasive species along the west coast. I am wondering if birds are responsible for casting seeds for this plant after eating the berries. I have no other idea where ours might have come from.
Feeling Squirrelly on a Rainy Day
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