Of all the animals I ever imagined occupying this pasture, I never imagined this!Before you get too excited… she was only here temporarily. But, let’s back up and start from the beginning.Friday evening, we received a text from Jack’s sister (her house is on the backside of our farm.) This big gal was standing out in our freshly harvested hayfield.I headed out to take a look and found her walking towards our pastures.From there, she once again crossed the street and proceeded to saunter back through our hayfield and disappeared. Hoping she was headed back to her home, we went home. Then, on Sunday morning, Jack’s sister found the cow in our upper pasture. It was the perfect opportunity to close her in and find her owners.Forrest was fascinated by this new creature in the pasture… trying his best to get close enough for a sniff.And at first, any movement she made sent him running, scared.Eventually, they both settled down and seemed to get used to each other.Wherever she went, he followed.Jack kept her water dish filled,while I picked up the cow patties.This was the first time I had ever spent time in the company of a cow. She was very gentle and friendly and didn’t mind us getting close to her. She was totally relaxed as I stroked her neck and head.There was a part of me that hoped we wouldn’t find her owner (and another part of me that questioned if I had lost my mind!). I found it so peaceful to be in her company.As luck would have it, her family was found and they came and loaded her up and took her home again.”Goodbye Margaret (Marge). It was great having you as a guest. Stop by if you ever find yourself back in the neighborhood!””Why can’t she stay?” asked Forrest. “We were just becoming great friends!”So, as you can see… we had quite an eventful weekend! In between cow excitement, we spent Saturday with our Littles. We took another trip to the pumpkin patch so that each of the kids could pick out some unique pumpkins to take home with them.We also worked together to make a batch of soft pretzels.So here it is… the end of the weekend, the beginning of Autumn… without kids, without a cow… but filled with fun memories.
A Temporary Guest Mooooves In
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