Do you ever have a week that just gets away from you? Ahhhh, well then you will understand when I say that this week passed all too quickly leaving me precious little time to chat with you. I have truly been enjoying these September days – autumn is whispering to me through the misty fogf. Mornings are crisply cold – yesterday in the 40’s!Each morning as the horses graze in the front pasture, the school bus passes by – 7:20 AM, sharp!Yesterday I rose early – sleep having eluded me after 3 AM, I headed out before dawn to start morning chores and let the horses out into the pasture.Even the guineas remained in their night’s roost as I cleaned and filled water buckets and scooped the night’s accumulation of manure.As the sun reached the horizon, I opened the door to the chicken houses and was immediately serenaded by two very different songs – that of Goose and Bruce. And with that crowing, the day began.By the time the school bus passed by, the horses were once again in the dry lot… their day’s schedule a little earlier than normal. Forrest has learned to go out into the pasture when I call to the horses. He springs into action, herding each of them back to the barn.He runs close to their heels and once they are in the dry lot, I simply tell him “Leave it!” and he stops running.We headed to the garden for the day’s produce. Forrest pauses by the new crop of sugar peas – his favorite vegetable in the whole garden. (He’s been known to help himself to various vegetables.)I have to tell him to “leave it” or he’d be plucking sugar peas right off the vines – and pulling out the vines – accidentally on purpose! A good boy deserves a treat for listening.”Crunch, crunch, crunch!”We are headed for a quick trip to the Chesapeake Bay with friends this weekend. We’ll do some bike-riding, eat great food, and laugh til it hurts! We’ll be back on Monday for another chat.Til then – have a good weekend! I hope you are enjoying September half as much as I am!
Before The Week Ends…
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