To The Bay And Back

After Friday morning chores, packing, a little baking, and getting our pups settled, we set off on a journey to the Chesapeake Bay.  Four hours later, we arrived at our destination and spent the weekend there with friends.   Meanwhile, back at the farm, our Colorado kids – having moved back to Pennsylvania two weeks ago – spent a quiet weekend at the farm, housesitting and staying with the dogs…and cats!They always make the best of the outdoor life when they are here – woods walks with the dogs, cooking over an open fire (dinner finished off perfectly with s’mores over the fire), runs, bike rides, and lots of attention paid to the farm critters.It was a rather cool weekend with a little Saturday rain in both places.  Friday night, after dinner, we took a boat ride out to the bay under a moonless sky filled with stars, and even a shooting star!  It was too dark for photos (with my iPhone – I didn’t take my camera).  Saturday, the six of us took a 30 mile bike ride in the countryside around Chestertown, MD.In front of me.Behind me.Beautiful scenes as we left Chestertown…Halfway through our ride, we reached the Chesapeake Bay (proper),  and the weather grew very threatening.  The second half of our ride was quite windy with a little bit of rain!We ended our day with a delicious crab cake, corn-on-the-cob, and salad meal as the setting sun set the eastern cloud-cover ablaze…and in its midst… a rainbow!By Sunday morning, as the sun rose in a cloudless blue sky, its rays danced across the water making it shimmer like jewels.We drove home fairly early on Sunday so that we could spend some time with Amanda and Tim, and found just as blue a sky over our farm.Another breezy, cool, September day.  Just perfect!!Update on Forrest:  our boy has had an entire week, now, without limping.  We are hopeful that his foot is completely healed now.  He took a few woods walks this weekend and was none the worse for wear – so, we’ll take that as a good sign.

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