Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

Farm life is a good life – we have much for which to be grateful.  We are furnished with an endless supply of activities – we are never, ever, bored!This little guy is never bored, either.  Life is one big game for our fluffy puppy!It’s not all blue skies and rainbows, though, (much of the time, it is).Occasionally we have worries about one of our precious friends.  Presently, Red is on our worry list.  I had noticed Tuesday morning that Red was walking very slowly – with a bit of a limp.  We gave it a day to see if he might improve, however, by the end of the day he was no better.  His gait seemed off – but, not a normal limp like I have seen when one of my equines has a hoof abscess.We called our Vet and she came to check Red out yesterday morning.  His soreness seemed to be in his front shoulder.  The Vet is concerned that it might be Lyme disease or another tick-born illness.  She took a blood sample to send off for testing and prescribed Doxycycline – which we started right away.Getting animals to take medications always proves to be a bit of a challenge.  I tried crushing the pills and mixing them into shaved carrots and molasses and then mixing a little sweet feed into that.Red ate the sweet feed and skipped the rest… stinker!On, to plan B.  This time I crushed the pills and mixed them into just a tiny bit of water and then added a couple teaspoons of molasses.  We put this mixture into a syringe, and with Jack’s help, we were able to squirt it into the back of his mouth.  Down the hatch.  If his Lyme disease bloodwork comes back positive, he will need to take this twice a day for a month.If it is another tick-born illness, the treatment is still Doxycycline.  Hopefully our adorable little, blue-eyed carousel horse feels better quickly.Two donkeys and a large horse had their noses out of joint for a minute…”Why don’t we get a yummy treat, like Red?”*******To those of you who sent me soap orders – thank you.  All orders are in the hands of the USPS.To those of you whom I could not serve – my humble apologies.  It’s hard to know how much to make.More coming in January. PS:  if you ordered the lotion bars… they work like this:  Take it out of the tin and hold it in your hands.  Your body heat will slightly melt the bar so that you can use it to moisturize your hands, or other areas.  That is… rub directly on your skin.  It is a solid bar, not a salve.Also, if you could drop me a quick email to let me know when your soap arrives, I would greatly appreciate it.  

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