It’s Soap Time, Again

It’s truly hard to have a bad day when you are met with a sky like this, first thing!It’s my daily morning show.  And even when skies are grey, the subtle changes in cloud formations are enough to keep me entertained as I work around the barn in the morning.  The earth is so still and silent these days – it is a gentle reminder that this time of year serves a purpose… that of rest and rejuvenation.  The subtleties of this season encourage us to be creative in our gratitude.  If one can find the beauty in a silent, grey day… then one can have gratitude for any given day.On these frigid mornings, the ducks don’t like to venture too far from their house.There’s not much in the way of insects for any of these birds to forage at this time of year.  Their nutrition comes from the bowl of chow inside their house, instead.  Out of habit, I suppose, the guineas still march all over the farm doing whatever it is they do when they are not eating insects.  They remind me a little of myself – always finding something to do!*********For those of you who might be interested… here is December’s batch of soaps – offered first come, first serve.  If you are interested in any, drop me an email ASAP.   Any given soap can be mailed to you for a donation of $5 per bar of soap plus shipping.  In order to keep shipping reasonable, I am using flat rate mailing boxes.  The smallest box will hold three soaps and three lotion bars and ships for @$10.  The medium sized box holds many, many bars and can be shipped for @19.  (I wish I could ship for free, however, I would not be able to cover the cost of my ingredients.). In the past, paying by check has worked just fine.  I will mail them out right away and you can pay me on receipt of your package.Calendula solid lotion barsThese are small, 1 oz. lotion bars that soften with the warmth of your hands. They are crafted with farm-grown calendula-infused almond oil, shea butter, mango butter and beeswax.They are naturally, lightly, scented by the calendula $2.50 per tin(*Note:  Calendula is known to be healing for the skin and helps to reduce inflammation.)Sea Salt SoapThese are round, 3 oz. bars crafted from sweet almond oil, cocoa butter, coconut oil, with sea salt and a touch of sea clay.  They are very lightly scented with eucalyptus oil.$5 per barBalsam Frost SoapThese 4+ oz. bars are made from coconut oil, avocado oil, castor oil, and shea butter.They have a wintry, balsam scent – clean and fresh like a Christmas tree farm in winter, with a rich lather.$5 per barBlackberry Vanilla SoapThese 4+ oz. sudsy bars have a warm, vanilla scent with subtle notes of blackberry.They are made from coconut oil, avocado oil, castor oil and shea butter.$5 per barRosemary Lavender SoapCrafted with coconut oil, avocado oil, castor oil, shea butter, and dried lavender, these 4+ oz. bars smell like August in Provence!$5 per barOrange Calendula Soap – a favorite!These 4 oz bars were 7 months in the making – from the time the seeds were planted in the greenhouse… until the blossoms were harvested in the late summer, dried, and infused in sweet almond oil.They were then crafted with that infused oil, coconut oil, castor oil, shea butter, and dried calendula petals.  The tops are molded to look like honeycomb and each bar is stamped with a honeybee.$5 per barI have a limited supply of each scent – however, I crafted a double batch of the orange-calendula soap.I will have another offering in January…. scents will include:Peppermint sea saltCitrus SunriseWild Heather and ThymeTuscan juniper and myrtleorange calendulaPeach with dried rose petalsas well as a few more that I will be crafting in the coming days….Brambleberry (like fresh-picked raspberries)and Olivewood and Cyprus (like autumn in Tuscany)PS:  As I write this post, our internet is going on and off… I will keep my fingers crossed that we have good service today!  If you email me and don’t hear back in a reasonable time – internet outage will be the reason why.🤞🏻

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