Happy Thanksgiving, Friends! (We are grateful to have the opportunity to say that!)Many of our Thanksgiving posts in the past featured these guys…Over our years here on the farm, we had the privilege of enjoying the company of several turkeys. We began farm life with Tom, Chuck, and Edith – three Bourbon Red turkeys. In the beginning, we had planned to raise our own Thanksgiving turkey. That idea was forgotten as soon as we named them.We quickly learned that turkeys are quite outgoing, chatty birds with distinct personalities. Tom and Chuck were inseparable – Tom the dominant male, Chuck, his shadow. Their sister Edith had a mind of her own and kept her two boys in line. There was no messing around with Edith!Along the way, we added Fred and Ethel.Turkeys were always the center of any farm gathering. It was not unusual for one or more of the turkeys to strut down the walkway between the picnic tables in our pavilion, whenever we had a picnic.There were occasions when workmen would be on the farm, and the turkeys could always be found in the midst of the action – supervising. Conversation back and forth between workers would always be answered by the gobbling of turkeys.The good news is… all of our turkeys had a Thanksgiving pardon and lived out their full lives here on the farm.From all of us, and all of our former turkeys… Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!PS: After several phone calls and a little pleading, we were able to have our December 11th appointment for internet service moved up. A tech came yesterday and replaced a faulty wire – and we are back up and running again.Also… December’s soap sale will be happening next week – mid week. I will post which varieties are ready for order that day. I’ve also made several more batches that will be ready in early January.
Happy Thanksgiving
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