It has been a good month or more since this summer’s chicklets have come of age. They are all fully grown and into the reproductive phase of their lives. Which means, of course, that now we have two fully mature roosters. We have a history of rooster skirmishes whenever there have been more than one rooster living here on the farm. However, so far, so good… Goose and Bruce seem to have a truce!Goose spends his day with “his” hens… all of the older ones.And Bruce spends his day with “his” younger gals. I have noticed, though, that Bruce prefers to hang out in the woods with his girls… probably sensing that Goose might be a little territorial. I am guessing that Bruce has decided to not test his luck.And so… we seem to have two peaceful, but separate flocks of chickens at the moment. They do integrate whenever the treats arrive… all running to their yard to eat up whatever leftovers and scraps we throw to them. Lately, the scraps have been pumpkins.The chickens are not the only ones who enjoy the autumn pumpkins. Forrest loves to grab them by the stem and run off with them.Then, when the stem falls off, he digs his teeth into the pumpkin flesh for a rousing game of keep-away.This boy can turn any moment into playtime.He is the happiest pup we have ever had… and keeps us laughing!Forrest was quite helpful yesterday as I gathered up the pumpkins to add to the compost pile.You can tell by the look in his eyes… “you can’t catch me!”By spring, all of these pumpkins will be broken down and the seeds spread throughout the compost pile – the beginnings of next autumn’s pumpkin patch!!”What’s next, Mom?”
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