Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

As the horses and donkeys grazed the front pasture,Yes, Red… you are very cute!I worked around the dry lot, yesterday morning as the sun came up – doing chores… to the dissonant squawking of one lone guinea, who apparently had not, the previous evening, gone into the duck hut to roost with the rest of his little flock.  It sure seemed like his hollering was directed at me – telling me it was time to open up the duck hut so that he could join his little enclave.Knowing that I would have no peace until I followed his orders, I walked over to the runner duck house and opened the door.The runner ducks, true to form, took off running… patrolling the grounds for their breakfast of insects.  The guinea group also headed out, running.And the morning squawker was reunited with his compadres.Morning is always a busy time for the birds… everyone running here and there – hens running away from amorous roosters, roosters giving chase, guineas gathering for a planning session, and ducks busy with pest management.So many feathered friends to tempt our bird dog.  He’s a very good boy, though – curious, but knows to leave them alone!By the time grazing was finished, the sun had burnt off the morning fog, revealing a perfectly blue sky.I spent a little time canoodling with the donkeys and Pete joined us.  Daphne could not have cared less about having Pete on her back.Chloe commented that “This is highly irregular!” and gently nudged Pete off to the ground.By the end of the morning, Forrest was jumping for joy!  He had a visit from his brother Oakley.A little running, a little wrestling, and these boys were soon panting and looking for shade.  In the following photo, Oakley is on the right and Forrest is on the left.  It’s sometimes hard to tell them apart!Forrest has a little more white on his front legs.  Both boys are so handsome and so very sweet.  Although, yesterday, Forrest was a little rambunctious and got a little mouthy with his brother… all in good fun.I know that some enjoy seeing my knitting projects, so, here’s what’s on the needles right now….the bodice to a long sleeve sweater.  I will finish the body of the sweater and then add on to each sleeve.And, I am still continuing on with this cabled wrap – about a third of the way towards finished at this point.

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