30+ Gift Ideas For The Future Homesteader (or farmer!)

When it comes to gift ideas for the future homesteader or farmer, it can be difficult to know what they actually need.When it comes to learning how to cook from scratch, there can be a steep learning curve, as well as an expensive to start.There are so many different paths of learning and each one takes learning and equipment.Homesteading might not be for minimalists, as there seems to be a lot of equipment that is needed for self sufficiency.But you don’t need them all at the beginning, and over the years we’ve gotten together the most important pieces of equipment.The best homesteading gifts are useful, and of good quality. They withstand the test of time and are usually well used.A freeze dryer did not make it onto this list.Expensive and valuable, they are an investment that only the wealthy are able to afford. Harvest Right is a great brand if you fall into this category.It is one tool that we have yet to invest in. Here are a few gift ideas for homesteaders. In the comments below, let me know what are some of your needs on your farm or homestead. Gift Ideas For HomesteadersUnder $20Need a budget friendly gift for the homesteader or farmer in your life? These gifts can usually be found for around $20.Homemade vanillaSourdough BreadSourdough starterWools socksA good knifeHerbal Tea BlendsBeef JerkyFarmers Market Gift CertificateApronFood Thermometer1.Homemade vanillaHomemade vanilla is super simple to make, it just takes a lot of foresight. All you need is high quality vanilla beans, and a liquor such as bourbon or vodka. It take 6 months before it is ready to use.2.Sourdough bread Make your own or support a local bakery, sourdough bread is delicious and healthy.3.Sourdough starterMost homesteaders come to a point where they desire to learn how to make their own sourdough.A dried sourdough starter can be purchased, and makes starting your own sourdough easier.4.Wool socks 5.A good knifeVictorinox is a good brand.6.Herbal tea blends 7.Beef jerky 8.Farmers Market Certificate Most homesteaders enjoy visiting local farmers markets, and you will also be supporting someone local.9.ApronMake your own is you’re handy with a sewing machine, or check out Etsy.10. Food Thermometer 11. Butter MoldsUnder $100More room in your budget? These gifts can usually be found under $100, depending on brand. Always go with the best quality you can afford.Water bath cannerMuck bootsTrail cameraButter churnCheese pressMake your own booksCast iron pot or panHerbalism booksVacuum sealerInstant pot12.Water Bath CannerWater Bath canning is slightly less intimidating for beginners, and is a great starting point to preserving food. This kit has everything you need to start.13.Muck BootsWhile more of an investment, Muck boots take the prize in quality.14.Trail CameraTrail cameras are useful for tracking animals and predators on your farm.15.Butter Churn16.Cheese Press17.Make Your Own BooksFrom making cheese to making your own soap, a lot of homesteaders and farmers are lifelong learners so a Make Your Own Books are valuable resources.18.Cast Iron Pots or PansWhen moving towards better kitchen gear, cast iron pots and pans are very appreciated.19.Herbalism BooksSourcing wild herbs to make into herbal salves and tinctures is on every homesteaders to do list.20.Vacuum SealerIf your farmer or homesteader processes their own meat, a vacuums sealer is a must. I tend to go towards more expensive brands, as they usually do a better job.21.Instant PotThis tool has been very helpful to make bone broth as well as a time saver in the kitchen.Under $500These are more expensive, and very useful on a homestead or farm. Each of these is something most homesteaders desire to get at some point in their journey.ComposterSewing machinePressure cookerDehydratorIncubatorGrain millStand mixerVacuum sealerTrail cameraChicken pucker22. ComposterA tumbling composter is my favorite one, as they are very easy to operate.23. Sewing MachineI recommend the brand Janome. A lower cost Janome is still better quality than a Singer.24. Pressure CookerThese can run up to $200, but are worth the investment.25. DehydratorGet the biggest one you can afford. Read reviews and do your research before you buy. Excalibur is a good brand.26.IncubatorI would recommend staying away from cheap China brands, as incubating eggs requires a reliable incubator. We currently have one from Brinsea.27. Grain MillLove, love my Nutrimill. 28.Stand MixerI recommend Bosch all the way, but a Kitchen Aid stand mixer is also useful in smaller kitchens.29. Vacuum SealerThis one is on here twice, as you can get more expensive, higher quality vacuums sealers. For someone that process a lot of meat, I recommend getting a commercial vacuums sealer.30. Trail CameraAs with the vacuum sealer, a cellular trail camera that sends you pictures on your phone makes a great tracker as well as a security system for your farm. Tactacam is one of the highest rated cameras on the market.31. Chicken PluckerProcessing chickens just got a whole lot easier with a chicken plucker. While you only use it once or twice a year, it lessons the amount of work noticeably.Here are more than 30 gift ideas for the future homesteader or farmer is your life. While some of these take considerable investment, there are budget friendly options as well.When buying gifts for your farmer friends, take into consideration the usefulness of your gift. A useful gift is worth a lot more than the price tag.

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