Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

Over the years, we’ve celebrated Halloween here on the farm with a little bit of fun dress-up.  I pulled a few photos from the memory books to share with you today.   Our animals were always very tolerant of our dress-up shenanigans.  I think they understood that when Mama said “party” – everyone got hats!However, we would have to snap photos of the donkeys quickly, before one undressed the other!Dressing up a fainting goat without making her faint was not the easiest task.  Luckily, O’Malley never minded the extra attention.The pigs were always good sports when it came to Halloween – not only willing to dress up, but also to show off a little for the camera…Ginger (above) and MaryAnn in their witch costumes. Even Momma Gracie didn’t mind the hat. As for me…I’ve been known to dress up on occasion – this particular time donning a large crooked nose.  It almost looks real! ( I think it suits me.)And Hubbs is always up for Halloween fun… he’s a good sport, if not an instigator!Chester’s first Halloween costume… (with his cousins, Daisy). My what big ears you have Chester!  I’m happy to say, he did grow into them.And then there was our cowardly lion…Sammie.  Don’t let that sad face fool you – he loved the extra attention!I hope our Halloween Time Machine gave you a smile or two today.  It’s our Halloween treat to you!We’ve had so much fun over the years… so many moments that made us smile.  It’s fun to revisit a few.

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