Complete Homemade Chicken Feed – Falcone Family Farms Blog

With the recent event of chicken not laying eggs because of a certain line of chicken feed. Many people are looking elsewhere on what...

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Sing the Praises to the God(s) in Heaven —- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The wind tells the earth—sing the praises of life and thankfulness to the Heavens. Sing so the humans on the planet can also hear! From my...

Sing the Praises to the God(s) in Heaven —- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The wind tells the earth—sing the praises of life and thankfulness to the Heavens. Sing so the humans on the planet can also hear! From my...

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Herbal Harvest

The Big List of Small Farm DIY Projects we are Tackling this Year

…And a planning resource to help you tackle your own small farm projects.Happy New Year!  Don’t you just love the new year?  A chance...

Market Garden Blooms with Flavor

Ethan Cook and Michael Rochon began their ag adventure as volunteers on organic farms. In 2020, they established Round Stone Farm, a permaculture market...
The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on 2024 Friday—The Huge, GIANT Rain Event, Friday, September 20, 2024

The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai...

Chapter Five  —– The Rain Moves In It’s starting to cloud up.  Yepper.  Clouds on the Western Horizon—I...
The Cream of the Crop

The Cream of the Crop

Maryland has been keeping a fantastic tradition alive for over six decades. It’s the Maryland Dairy Princess...
Food Energy The Fragile Link Between Resources and Population

Food-Energy: the Fragile Link Between Resources & Population –...

Food-Energy: the Fragile Link Between Resources & Populationexcerpted with permission from The End of Fossil Energy and...
Rivers of Frost

Rivers of Frost – Editorials

Rivers of Frostand saving the pigavoiding the extinction of resiliencyby Lynn MillerI was ten or eleven when...


Winner Winner: It’s Hay For Dinner!

How Carla Schultz Handles Meal-Planning for 50 Head of Cattle Most people know that cattle eat grass and hay. But how do they get the...