The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on 2024 Friday—The Huge, GIANT Rain Event, Friday, September 20, 2024

Chapter Five  —– The Rain Moves In

It’s starting to cloud up.  Yepper.  Clouds on the Western Horizon—I told Boo Berry —“don’t pay attention, it doesn’t mean anything.”

“But what if there is thunder?!” Boo Berry’s eyes bugged out.

“Oh, heck, it will be so far away, way over there in on the mountains—so far away we can only sorta hear it.”
“Yeah, but… WE CAN STILL HEAR IT!!”  Boo Berry shuddered.

“Oh, geez, just go in the house,” I replied. “In the house, you can’t hear thunder way over on the Plateau.”
With that, I picked up my paws and headed out to the grain bins. I only looked back once and saw Boo Berry staring at the back door wanting to get in.
What a dog, I muttered.
On the way to the grain bins, I ran into the hens again. They were scratching and clucking to each other…rather busy I thought, when suddenly, Skitter stopped and looked up at the sky. Cocked her head to one side, fluffed up her feathers in a very fluffy way, and muttered something to Silver, as she turned toward the henhouse.
Silver looked at her in a perplexed manner then started following Skitter toward the hen house.
I watched them for a spell, “Hey, where ya going?  There are still bugs out here to catch and eat!”

“Not right now, cat!  We’re heading into the hen house. Not worrying about eating we have lots to eat in our house: yummy lay mash, a halved cucumber, and a wee little bowl of dried mealy worms. See ya after the storm!” Skitter called as they ran into the hen house.
Storm! Everyone is getting sorta wrought over a storm that may or may not happen. Shish!
I passed the grain bin.  Sat for a little bit in the road, trying to decide which farm road to take next.  To the left is the gated pipe and grass field Dad cuts for grass hay. First Cutting is all he ever does on it.  That is when the grass has bloomed and headed out making lots of protein-rich seeds.

That field has been cut, baled, and stacked.  And I’ve played in there with Boo Berry until I am rather tired of that field.

To the left is the haystack yard, past that is the equipment storage area: the plow, a combine, all the necessary implements to work up the ground, you know, stuff like that—and, OH! YES! And the little headgate where the irrigation water splits to go to two different spots.

That’s where I’m going!
Some mice hang around there in the weeds, and water snakes hang around to catch the mice who are hanging around in the weeds!
Yes! I am!  A perfect spot to hunt!

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