California’s fig season is already underway! Thanks to hotter-than-usual temperatures, the main harvest has started several weeks earlier than expected. By the time the harvest comes to a close in November, the overall crop size is estimated to be 10 million pounds.
“After years of drought and fires, California fig orchards are the healthiest they’ve been in years,” says Karla Stockli, the Chief Executive Officer of the California Fresh Fig Growers Association. “This promises to be one of the best California fresh fig seasons we’ve ever seen!”
98% of America’s fresh figs are grown in California, including unique varieties like Mission, Tiger, Brown Turkey, and Sierra. California also produces 100% of the country’s dried figs, which are available on a year-round basis. Since figs prefer dry conditions and warm temperatures, they flourish in areas like the Central Valley, where most of the state’s 9,000+ acres of figs can be found in Madera, Fresno, and Merced.
If you’re a fig grower, be sure to visit one of our FGS supply stores and pick up some essential items for the harvest. We’re fully stocked with everything you need, from orchard ladders to clippers to protective gloves. Happy harvesting!