Allis-Chalmers “60” All Crop Harvester – Equipment & Facilities

Allis-Chalmers “60” All Crop HarvesterAllis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.Serial 93799 and UpFOREWORDEvery person who intends to set up, operate or assist in the operation of the ALLIS-CHALMERS ALL-CROP HARVESTER should read these instructions carefully and be guided by them. The successful operation of a Harvester depends upon the care you give it and your ability to adapt it to the different kinds of grains and threshing conditions.The most essential knowledge to the successful operation of a Harvester is to recognize the proper time to start harvesting. Most grain growers become anxious to start harvesting when the grain begins to show a golden hue. Grain should never be threshed until thoroughly ripe and the straw gets brittle. It is considered good practice to wait several days after the grain would be ready for binder operation before starting the Harvester.If the tractor drawbar can be telescoped, it should be set and bolted in place at a point where the distance from the end of the tractor power shaft to the hitch hole in the drawbar, measured horizontally is 14 inches and the hitch hole be directly in line with the center line of the power shaft and fastened securely and under no circumstances be allowed to swing.When this harvester is to be coupled to tractors made before the new A.S.A.E. hitch and power line specifications were put into production, it will be necessary to extend the drawbar to a point where the hitch hole is 14 inches from the end of the Power Take Off shaft.DO NOT, HOWEVER, COUPLE THIS HARVESTER TO ANY MAKE OR MODEL OF TRACTOR UNLESS THE HITCH HOLE IN THE DRAWBAR IS 14 INCHES FROM THE END OF THE POWER TAKE OFF SHAFT, THIS IS IMPORTANT.SETTING UP DIRECTIONSIt is essential that the Harvester be set up properly.The right and left hand sides of the machine are determined by facing in the direction of travel. The header is on the left hand side of the Harvester.When the Harvester leaves the factory, the header, reel, tongue, wheels and minor parts are removed.The tongue is the first assembly to be bolted in place. Bolt the upper center angle (F-Plate 3) to the short angle gusset with the 2 bolts (A). Bolt the lower angle to the main axle with the bolts (B-Plate 1).All the bolts in the tongue assembly should be put in place but not tightened until the tongue is completely assembled.Install the pipe spacers (H) and (I) as shown in Plate 1 with the long bolt through the spacers and angles.Bolt the splice angle shown at (A-Plate 2) in place with the angle (B-Plate 3) attached to the rear bolt. Install the gusset (C) and the angle (D) as shown (Plate 3), bolting the angle (D) to the main axle at the rear end.Install the right hand tongue assembly (B-Plate 2) as shown, leaving the two bolts out at the splice (A) where the gear box attaches.Install the hitch and lever assembly (D-Plate 2) as shown.Bolt the gear box base assembly (C-Plate 1) in place with the strap spacer between the gear box base and the angle at (E). Couple the main separator drive shaft to the small universal joint on the rear of the gear box with the set collar on the shaft in place against the universal joint (L-Plate 7.) Clean the paint from the end of the main separator drive shaft before inserting into the universal joint so it will enter freely. Be sure the Woodruff Key is in place.Install the brace (D-Plate 1) and with the front nut of the brace force the gear box tube back so as to remove any play in the “U” bolt and saddle casting. Tighten the “U” bolt securely drawing nuts evenly. Install the brace (C-Plate 2) from the gear box to the main axle.Jack up the Harvester and put on the wheels, being sure to remove all grit or dirt from both the axles and the wheel hubs. Be careful not to damage the grease seals while installing the wheels. Place the wheel cap which carries the reel drive sprocket on the right hand wheel.Grease the wheels and inflate the tires to 32 pounds.Install the header lift lever bell crank assembly, (K-Plate 2 & 3), placing the flat strap brace (N-Plate 2) on the BOTTOM side of the right hand lower tongue angle. Couple up the reach rod from the bell crank to the lifting arm lever.If a grain bin machine, install the unloading auger drive belt (G), the platform, the propeller shaft (H) and the shields (O) and (P) as shown in Plate 2.THESE SHIELDS ARE PUT THERE FOR YOUR PROTECTION. KEEP THEM IN PLACE.To install the cylinder drive belt, turn the cylinder speed adjusting crank (A-Plate 1) anti-clockwise until the sheave plates of the driven sheave are as far open as the adjusting bolts will permit. Move the inner sheave plate and hub back and forth to be sure it moves freely on the shaft. Lubricate thoroughly, but not enough to have grease work out between the plates.Clean the sheave plate surfaces, removing all grease and paint from the cylinder, gear box and belt tightener sheaves.Install the cylinder drive belt over the sheave on the cylinder shaft first, then over the sheave on the gear box shaft. Set the belt tightener in place and tighten the torsion spring with the hand lever (N-Plate 1) about 6 notches. This is the proper spring tension for average crop conditions.To assemble the header, remove the draper guide slat (I-Plate 3), the sickle bell crank pivot (E-Plate 2 and 3) and the brace (G-Plate 3).Set the header sides in place being sure that the FLANGE ON THE HEADER BOTTOM IS BETWEEN THE HEADER SIDE AND THE SIDE BRACKET (R-Plate 2).Bolt the side re-enforcement clips on the bottom of the header bottom with flat head stove bolts. Bolt each of the header sides to the header bottom and “X” frame at the back end with one flat head stove bolt. Be sure bolt heads are flush with bottom.Use two flat head rivets in each side to rivet sides to the header pivot. Be sure these rivets are down flush with the sides.Install draper guide slats, (I-Plate 3). Install lower roller.Rivet the connection clips to the side brackets as shown at (S-Plate 2).Use two 1/4 x 1/2” Wagon Box rivets on each side as shown at (F-Plate 2). DO NOT USE BOLTS.Install the right and left nose pieces. Install the loop dividers on the header and the divider shield (R-Plate 3). Install the sickle, the bell crank pivot (E) and the brace (G).Turn the sickle drive crank over by hand to be sure the bell crank and sickle moves freely. Examine the sections and guards to see that the sections ride on each guard ledger plate.Before attaching the header to the Harvester, check the concave and shelling plate clearance to be sure it conforms to the chart for the kind of grain to be threshed.Remove sickle pitman drive sheave and the bearings and header pivot bearing rings from the lower draper drive roller.Slide the header up in place on the Harvester. Install draper drive roller with the threaded end of the shaft on the right hand side. Install the rings and the bearing so that the lubricator will be turned up when the header is in the operating position. None of the bolts in the clamp rings should be tightened until all either bolts are in place. Be sure that the apron (I-Plate 5) is on top of the header bottom.Install the two side wings as shown (I-Plate 2) together with the upper canvas drive roller, observing the roller installation as shown at (J-Plate 1).Before installing the floating frame (K-Plate 5) inspect idler roller in this frame and be sure it turns freely. If it does not turn freely, remove the roller and clean off any paint that may have gotten into the bearings. Install the floating frame pivot rod in center holes in the side wings.Install the reel drive assembly and the reel bats and the reel bats and arms as shown in Plate 10. Square the reel bats with the guards.Couple up the lifting link (J-Plate 2). Install the header balance spring screwing the long bolt into the spring casting until the header raises and lowers easily.Install the bottom canvas observing the coupling as shown at (J-Plate 5). The tension of this draper should be just enough so the lower roller is about half way in the slot when the tightener lever is in the operating position.Install the top canvas, observing the coupling as shown in Plate 5. The floating frame (K) should be in a vertical position when the coupling is made but should be lowered to the operating position before tightening the connecting bolts.DO NOT GET THIS CANVAS TOO TIGHT.The tension on this draper should be equal at each end. The draper should sag about one inch.Go over the complete assembly and see that all bolts are tight and all set collars are tightened in place.Install the sickle and draper drive belt as shown in the belt diagram (Plate 6).Turn the straw rack and grain drag drive sheave several times by hand to see that it turns freely. Turn the tailings elevator drive sheave to be sure that it turns freely. Inspect the chains in both the clean grain and tailings elevators and adjust them if necessary. These chains should be reasonably tight but not tight enough to cause abnormal wear on chain, sprocket or bearings.When you have thoroughly inspected the straw rack, grain drag, and elevator chains, put on the main separator drive belt (C-Plate 4). Carefully observe the position of the belt and the way it is crossed.A belt clip (L-Plate 4) is provided to prevent the main separator belt from turning over in the sheave. This has a slotted hole and should be adjusted so as to clear the belt 1/8 inch. It must not rub on the belt.Inspect the oil in the gear box and be sure it is filled to the level of the filler plug. If operating the Harvester in low temperatures the oil should be changed to a lighter grade so it will flow freely to the bearings. The gear box bearings are dependent on the gear box oil supply for their lubrication.Install the reel drive belt.Couple the Harvester to the Tractor and be sure to have the proper Tractor Hitch and check it over for correct installation.Tighten the hitch bolt tight and then back the nut off about one half turn. This hitch bolt should be oiled daily to avoid any wear at this point.The universal joints should be near in line as possible.ALL SHIELDS THAT ARE PROVIDED WITH THIS HARVESTER ARE DESIGNED FOR YOUR PROTECTION. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SEE THAT THEY ARE INSTALLED AND KEPT IN PLACE WHILE THE HARVESTER IS IN OPERATION. THE SHIELD TO COVER THE FRONT UNIVERSAL JOINT IS SUPPLIED BY THE TRACTOR MANUFACTURER. IF ON OLDER TRACTORS, YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS SHIELD, IT SHOULD BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED BEFORE STARTING THE MACHINE.Block the cylinder and with a short bar placed in the yoke of the universal joint on the front end of the propeller shaft, break the main propeller shaft safety clutch loose. Oil the clutch thoroughly with light oil. This clutch is very important and should be kept in good working condition. Oil the clutch daily. In case it works too freely, the large nut should be tightened not to exceed two turns at one time.Start the engine and let the Harvester run slowly for an hour or more, being sure that all bearings are properly lubricated.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSThere are four principle operations in the harvesting of grain with each operation directly affecting the other.The four operations are:CUTTING, SHELLING, SEPARATING, CLEANING.CUTTINGThe header takes in the cutting mechanism and includes the sickle, guards, drapers, reel and all parts which cut the grain and deliver it to the cylinder where the shelling takes place.The header on the All-Crop Harvester is a wide departure from the old conventional Combines. The guards are tilted down and mounted low on the sickle bar angle making low cutting possible and reducing the cutter bar loss to a minimum, especially in such crops as Soy Beans, Lespedeza and others where the berries grow low on the stalk.SICKLE AND SICKLE DRIVEThe sickle drive is through a pitman, crank pin and bell crank. The final sickle drive is by a linkage from the bell crank to the sickle head. A rubber bushing is provided on the sickle head and this tends to soften the shock of starting and stopping the sickle at each end of its throw. When renewing this rubber bushing, wet with water but do not oil at any time.The sickle speed of 410 r.p.m. assures a clean job of cutting if the sickle sections and guard ledger plates are in good shape and the sections contact the ledger plates. These should be inspected at regular intervals and any worn or broken sections renewed. New sections, except on the end of the sickle, can be installed without removing the complete sickle. However, the complete sickle can be easily removed by disconnecting the drive link and loosening the two capscrews which hold the sickle head guide in place.CANVAS DRAPERSThe canvas draper which carries the unthreshed grain to the cylinder is the same width as the cylinder and cutter bar. The lower roller is mounted on 2 bearings with lever release. These levers should be released when installing the draper and the tension should be such as to permit the bearing to operate about half way in its seat when the draper is coupled and the lever is located in the operating position.The upper draper should be installed with only enough tension to operate and special care should be exercised in its installation so it is square, with the rollers and frame. When the draper is in proper position on the rollers and the ends of the canvas inserted in between the connecting slats, drop the floating frame to its operating position before tightening the bolts and see that it is loose enough so as to hang down at least one inch all the way across. Extra holes are provided in the cylinder side sheets so that the rod which pivots the floating frame can be moved in case the draper should be installed too tightly, causing it to travel to one side.SAFETY CLUTCHESThe canvas drapers and the sickle drive are protected by a safety clutch mounted on the end of the gear box shaft. This clutch is lined with moulded brake lining and the two bolts that clamp the bearing to the shaft should be only tight enough to pull the ordinary load.The main safety clutch shown at (A-Plate 4) is for the protection of the straw rack, grain raddle chain and tailing elevator. The adjustment of this is by the nut on the end of the shaft and this should be set with just enough tension to pull the load under ordinary conditions and always loose enough to act in case of accident.The clean grain auger and the elevator are protected by a ratchet slip clutch (B-Plate 4), the adjustment of which is controlled by the tension on the three springs. Set this clutch reasonably tight but still leave room for the springs to move in case of accident.A safety clutch (L-Plate 2) is provided in the main propeller shaft line to protect the cylinder. The main spring on this clutch should be only tight enough to pull the ordinary load. Care should be exercised in tightening the adjusting nut so as not to get the clutch too tight.This unit is built in as a safety factor and should not be allowed to ratchet for any long periods. The clutch jaws should be oiled at regular intervals.HEADER LIFT AND HITCHThe raising and lowering of the header is done by a lever which is easily reached from the tractor operator’s position. An adjustment is provided on the lever to meet the seat positions on the various tractors. A double latch is provided so that finer header positions can be obtained.The proper hook up to tractor is very important and your dealer should be consulted before this Harvester is coupled to any tractor if a power takeoff drive.PROPELLER SHAFT AND GEAR BOXThe power to operate the Harvester is through the power take-off shaft from the tractor motor, to a propeller shaft and gear box. On this propeller shaft, 3 heavy duty universal joints are located to take care of the flexibility necessary for short turns and uneven ground. The power is carried to the gear box and the cylinder and header drives are from the hardened steel gear and pinion which are carried in the gear box and operate in a bath of oil. The shafts on which these gears are located run on anti-friction bearings which are lubricated from the gear box oil supply.The primary shaft (A-Plate 7) is mounted on two taper roller bearings adjustment of which is made by the nut (B). These bearings should be examined after the first few days of operation and the nut tightened if the bearings show any looseness. Tighten only enough to remove the play and be sure to replace the cotter pin when the desired position is obtained.The shaft (C) is also mounted on taper roller bearings, adjustment of which is made by the movement of the clamp collar at the other end of the gear box. To tighten these bearings, remove the cylinder drive belt and the header drive belt. Loosen the two bolts in the clamp collar (D) and pry the collar up against the bearing and re-tighten the bolts.The primary shaft (A) is independent of the other gear box shafts. A heavy jaw clutch, which is provided on the splined end of the bevel gear shaft, drives the bevel gears and the shaft upon which the cylinder drive sheaves and the header drive sheave are located.This jaw clutch (F) is operated by the lever and rod (M-Plate 2) which is in easy reach of the tractor operator. This clutch is for the purpose of disengaging the cylinder and separator drives while unloading the grain bin. On harvesters equipped with bagging platforms the clutch is not needed and is left engaged at all times.Use this jaw clutch as you would use gear shift lever on the tractor. Never move the lever while the propeller shaft is running.Use a good grade of transmission oil in the gear box and keep it filled to the filler plug hole. Examine the gear box at regular intervals and be sure it is kept properly filled.SHELLINGShelling is one of the most important functions of any threshing machine or harvester and a careful study of the adjustments and their principles, is necessary to enable the operator to meet the changing threshing conditions. Perfect shelling is what each operator desires. This means no unthreshed heads passing the cylinder, no crackage of the grain and yet the straw not cut up enough to where the sieves will be subjected to an unnecessary overload.Losses of grain over the cleaning shoe can usually be traced to the wind action which does not “Lift” the chaff, allowing grain to “ride” over with it. In the majority of cases, this abnormal shoe load can be traced to high cylinder speed, too many concaves, too small a shelling plate and concave clearance or a combination of all three. The unnecessary cutting up of the straw also plays an important part in power requirements and fuel consumption.The general design and adjustable features which are built into the All-Crop Harvester tends toward perfect shelling. In the first place, due to the cylinder being the same width as the cutter bar, the grain enters the cylinder heads first in a thin even stream. This assures better feeding.The cylinder bars are faced with rubber which is vulcanized to the cylinder bars. This assures better shelling with a minimum of grain crackage.A rubber covered shelling plate (G-Plate 5) is provided to stem the grain. The holes for capscrews in this plate are slotted to permit the movement of the plate to obtain the desired clearance between the shelling plate and the cylinder bars. In the movement of this plate, care should be exercised so that the clearance is equal at each end. When the desired position, is determined, the capscrews should be tightened securely.Two rubber concave bars shown at (H-Plate 5) are provided and should be used as needed. These bars are clamped to the concave plate and held in place with a series of bolts. The chart on cylinder speeds and adjustments will show the amount of concave bars recommended for the various grains and seeds.The Harvester is shipped from the factory with a clearance of from 5/16” to 3/8” between the cylinder bar and the concave bar. This can be increased or decreased by the movement of the cylinder in the bearing cases on each end of the cylinder. On the left hand case there are four bolts which hold the bearing case in position. By loosening these four bolts, the bearing case can be moved up or down, by the use of the adjusting bolt.On the right hand end of the cylinder (Plate 5) there are two nuts (A) on the front side to loosen since the bolts go through the bearing housing.Movement up and down is accomplished by the use of the adjusting bolt (E). When the desired position of the cylinder is obtained and the clearance is equal at both ends, be sure to tighten the four bolts on the left side and the two bolts on the right side securely.In cases of extremely heavy weeds, the cylinder can be moved forward to give more clearance between the cylinder bar and the delivery plate at the rear of the cylinder. This is done by loosening the four bolts on the left hand cylinder case and the two bolts on the right hand side, removing the spacer (C), and installing it with the spacer (B) on the rear side of the plate (D). Tighten all bolts securely. Moving the cylinder forward reduces the shelling plate clearance which should be re-adjusted.On the All-Crop Harvester, it is possible to obtain a wide range of cylinder speed without the purchase of additional pulleys or the use of any wrench or tools.The cylinder drive is through a heavy duty V-belt (L-Plate 1) which runs in the sheaves (M and O). This method of cylinder drive, being independent of any other drives, has no effect on the speed of other units when the cylinder speed is changed.The Harvester leaves the Factory set for the grain speed range with 3 spacers (I-Plate 7) on the lower or drive sheave, on the gear box shaft, placed on each side of the sheave plates (J). This setting forces the cylinder belt to ride in the high position.The upper or driven sheave (M-Plate 1) on the cylinder shaft consists of two plates. The outer plate (R) is keyed solidly to the cylinder shaft and the inner plate (S) movement is controlled through a linkage by a crank on the left hand side of the machine as shown at (A).By turning this crank anti-clockwise, the cylinder belt will force the inner sheave plate away from the outer plate (R) allowing the belt to ride deep in the sheave which will obtain the high range of cylinder speed.By turning the crank clockwise the speed of the cylinder is reduced approximately 25 r.p.m. for each turn of the crank when using the lower sheave setup for the high speed range.Two nuts (T-Plate 1) are provided on the adjusting rod to act as a stop to prevent the sheave plates from being forced together. These nuts are set properly when the Harvester is shipped from the factory. Should they be moved for any reason, to reset, turn the crank clockwise until the sheave plates have a clearance of 1/16 inch between them. Then set the nuts up against the crank (A) and lock them securely. Be sure the crank is pushed in against the bearing plate when making this adjustment.ALL CYLINDER SPEED CHANGES OR ANY MOVEMENT OF THE SPEED ADJUSTING CRANK MUST BE DONE WHILE THE CYLINDER IS RUNNING.As the Harvester leaves the factory, a cylinder speed of from 850 to 1600 r.p.m. can be obtained by the movement of the crank, each revolution giving a cylinder speed change of approximately 25 r.p.m. When the low range of cylinder speed is desired for such crops as edible beans and crops listed in the speed and adjustment chart for the low speed range, the two heavy spacers and the thin spacer (I-Plate 7) on the lower sheave are placed in between the sheave plates. A close study of Figure 3, Plate 6, will show the proper installation of these spacers. With this spacer location in the lower sheave and the crank turned clockwise to its extreme, a low cylinder speed of 450 r.p.m. is obtained. Then the movement of the crank will change the cylinder speed approximately 25 r.p.m. for each two turns of the adjusting crank.The swing backward of the tightener arm is controlled by a stop on the arm. When the low speed range is being used, the cylinder speed can be increased to only about 700 r.p.m. This will vary somewhat due to the cylinder position and variation in belt length but the speed should not be reduced to a point beyond where the stop on the arm strikes the spring box. Any movement of the crank beyond this point will only loosen the belt tension causing the belt to slip.An intermediate cylinder speed range is possible and recommended on crops which need a range of cylinder speed which may vary up and down from 850 r.p.m. To use this range, place one thick spacer between the two sheave plates and the other thick spacer and thin spacer on the outside as shown in Figure 2, of Plate 6. With this spacer location the movement of the crank will provide a cylinder speed of from 700 to 1250 r.p.m.The spacers (I-Plate 7) are made in halves and by removing the 6 bolts that clamp the sheave plates together, the spacers can be changed from one position to the other. When this change is made, tighten all 6 bolts securely.When installing the cylinder drive belt, turn the crank (A-Plate 1) until the sheave plates are open as far as the 3 adjusting bolts through the sheave hubs will permit. This will make an opening of 1-5/16” at the bottom of the plates and should not exceed this amount.Move the inner sheave and hub back and forth on the shaft by hand to be sure it moves freely and lubricate thoroughly.CLEAN ALL PAINT AND GREASE FROM THE SHEAVE PLATESAfter placing the belt in position on both sheaves and putting the belt tightener in position against the belt tighten the torsion spring about 6 notches. On machines between Serial No. 93799 and 102798 a brake or snubber (B-Plate 6) is provided on the belt tightener arm to soften the shock of the belt tightener sheave on the belt when slugs enter the cylinder. This brake is adjustable by the nuts (A). To adjust: Step on the belt at the point marked (C) and press down until the tightener arm and sheave moves to the forward position. Tighten the nuts (A) until the idler remains forward. Then remove your foot from the belt and loosen the nuts (A) slowly until the tightener sheave settles slowly to the belt. Examine this daily for a few days to see that it works perfectly and does not follow the belt back too quickly. On machines not equipped with Brake (B), disregard the above instructions.If the crop is extremely heavy more belt tension than the 6 notches recommended may be necessary. On the other hand, if the crop is very light it may not require the 6 notches to handle. It is therefore largely up to the operator to set the belt tension so the load can be handled without belt slippage and yet not enough tension to put an unnecessary load on the belt.Many things must be considered if the maximum life of the cylinder drive belt is to be expected andIT IS THE OPERATOR’S RESPONSIBILITY TO SEE THAT THE FOLLOWING IS DONE:On power take-off machines the proper hitch should be procured and installed correctly as per the drawings or instructions which accompany each unit.

The main safety clutch should be set properly so that it will slip on overloads and to where it will be impossible for an operator to sit on the tractor and by the use of the tractor clutch, force an overload or slug through the cylinder.

Reel Position and Speed. Use the reel position so that the grain is fed evenly to the cylinder. In some crops it may be desirable to increase the speed of the reel. This is done by reversing the reel sheaves. The use of 6 reel bats also helps in some crops and this attachment #509403 can be procured.On both power take-off and auxiliary motor equipped Harvesters, the following applies:Cylinder Balance. If a cylinder should get out of balance due to some foreign material accidentally entering the cylinder, it should be corrected immediately as this will set up a drive belt vibration that is injurious to the belt.

Cylinder Speed, Position & Clearance. The Harvester leaves the factory with a clearance of 5/16” to 3/8” between the cylinder bar and the concave rubber and the same amount between the cylinder bar and the shelling plate. This is the proper setting for the common grains. If this clearance is used with a high cylinder speed and the cylinder cracks an abnormal amount of grain, increase the cylinder and shelling plate clearance before reducing the cylinder speed. Do not try to correct all grain crackage with the cylinder speed adjusting crank.

The cylinder belt tension should be released each night and the cylinder turned so that the belt will not be pinched between the sheave plates.

Do not over-grease the sliding sheave hub or the tightener sheave to a point where grease will be thrown out and onto the belt. If this does occur, wash or wipe the grease off immediately as grease is very injurious to rubber.Any time it becomes necessary to decrease the cylinder speed more than 200 r.p.m., the belt tension should be reduced, as the increasing of the cylinder sheave diameter increases the belt tension.The cylinder speed and adjustments, together with the size and number of the special sieve to be used is given in the Cylinder Speed, Adjustments & Special Sieve Chart. This chart is made up to guide you in obtaining the approximate cylinder speed and adjustments for the grains, seeds and beans listed, and while there are certain conditions which may make a higher or lower speed necessary, this chart gives the average speeds as taken from actual field operations.All the speeds are based on a power take-off speed of 535, and in no case should this exceed 550. The power take-off speed can be taken from the end of the shaft at pulley (A-Plate 4).DO NOT GUESS AT THIS SPEED USE THE SPEED COUNTERWhen the proper speed is obtained, mark the throttle position on the tractor so as to maintain this speed.SEPARATOR DRIVEThe main separator drive is by a shaft from the rear of the gear box to the sheave (A-Plate 4) at the rear of the Harvester. The tailings auger and elevator, the straw rack, the cleaning shoe, the grain drag raddle chain, and the cleaning fan are driven from this sheave by the V-Belt (C). Careful study should be made of Plate 4 for the proper installation of this belt.The sheave (A) is equipped with 2 spacers, one or both of which can be removed to bring the straw rack up to speed if the power take-off speed is below normal, or heavy straw or weeds makes it desirable to run the straw rack slightly above normal. The sheave is equipped with a safety clutch, adjustment of which is made by the nuts on the rear end of the shaft.The rear bearing on the main separator drive shaft is mounted in an adjustable plate which is bolted to the side sheet with four bolts. The tightening of the elevator drive chain (D) is accomplished by the movement of the plate and bearing. The bearing carries a lubricator and should be greased daily.SEPARATINGThe shelled grain and straw is delivered in a very thin stream over the delivery plate at the rear of the cylinder to the straw rack. The delivery plate, together with the curved deflectors in the top of the machine, plays an important part in the separating of the grain from the straw.The straw and grain is thrown up against these mould-board shaped deflectors which causes the straw to arc toward the front of the straw rack, the straw being turned completely over in its travel. This results in a greater part of the separating taking place at the front of the straw rack.STRAW RACKThe straw rack is of the one piece vibrating type driven from rocker (E-Plate 4). The speed of the rack has much to do with performance. When the speed is under the normal of 260 strokes per minute, the straw may not receive sufficient agitation and the movement of the straw may be too slow. If the speed is too great, some of the grain may be carried out with the straw. It is largely up to the operator to take into consideration the amount of straw to be handled and to adjust the straw rack speed to where the straw rack does the best work. The important thing to remember is that the speed of the separator drive shaft on which the sheave (APlate 4) is located is to run at 535 r.p.m. normally and never to exceed 550 r.p.m. Where tractors are in poor mechanical condition and the governors are not working properly, the speed of this shaft may need to be at 550 r.p.m. while the machine is standing to be able to hold the speed of 535 r.p.m. when it is operating.Do not, however, continue to operate a Harvester for any great length of time if the tractor governor is in bad mechanical condition.Keep the straw rack drive pins and the hanger bearings at the front end well lubricated and at the beginning of each season, remove the complete rack and tighten all bolts, and inspect closely for any repair work that might be necessary.GRAIN DRAG CHAINThe grain drag raddle chain (F-Plate 4) operates under the straw rack and conveys the loose grain and chaff to the cleaning shoe in an even flow. This chain also acts as a return conveyor, which returns any loose grain that falls through the rack at the outer end, back to the front end of the cleaning shoe.The grain drag raddle chain is driven from the shaft on which the sheave (G) is located. This shaft operates on ball bearings which should be greased daily. The front end is carried on a shaft with two sprockets. The chain tension is regulated by the movement of the two bearings on the end of the shaft. The long threaded bolt on each bearing is for the adjustment of the chain.This chain should be inspected at regular intervals and adjusted to run reasonably tight but not tight enough to cause abnormal wear on the sprockets, chains or bearings.CLEANINGThe cleaning shoe is driven by the rocket arm (EPlate 4) and the pin at the lower end and the drive to the rocker arm is by a wood pitman with a ball bearing at the crank end.The rear end of the cleaning shoe operates on a hanger which can be adjusted to regulate the “lift” of the shoe at the rear end. The hanger bracket is provided with 3 holes and the normal hanger position is in the center hole. The lift of the rear end of the shoe is increased by moving the hanger toward the cylinder end of the straw rack. This adjustment is necessary in very weedy conditions only, and should be made on both the front and rear hangers.

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