PG County is Rolling With Soy Tires

The same soybean oil that gives your favorite candle its soothing glow is now helping vehicles roll down highways, too. Tire manufacturers are harnessing the versatility of soybean oil to create eco-friendly, high-performance tires. And it’s not just a novelty; one local government is using them in its fleet.
“We have been looking for various ways to incorporate sustainable practices across our operation beyond the obvious strategies such as electrification and the use of alternative clean fuels,” says Rick Hilmer, Prince George’s County fleet manager. “One of the strategies that we became interested in is soy-biobased products that substitute soy-based oils for petroleum-based oils. This includes soy-based lubricants, degreasers, cleaners and tires.”
The county’s soy tire program began in August 2023, with support from the Maryland Soybean Board. In just a year, they stocked over 200 Goodyear soy-based tires in four key sizes, targeting small and mid-sized sedans, SUVs and cargo vans. These vehicles make up a large part of the county’s fleet and put on plenty of miles — making them ideal for this sustainable upgrade.
“We chose these vehicles as they represent a significant portion of our fleet,” Rick says. “They are generally driven frequently and represent a newer portion of the fleet so the usage of soy-biobased tires in these sizes will be growing as these vehicles acquire more miles and are due for tire replacement.”
The environmental impact of soy tires might not be immediately obvious, but it’s impressive. “We know that soy-based tires provide an environmental benefit by displacing petroleum oil and by requiring less energy in the tire production process, but these benefits aren’t necessarily visible to the vehicle operator,” Rick adds.
The county has embraced sustainability through its Green Fleet Policy, which emphasizes eco-friendly practices throughout its fleet. The soy tire initiative fits seamlessly into this vision, adding another layer to the its green initiatives. “We took this opportunity to develop a brand for the program called ‘Rolling with Soy Tires’ and obtained decals that are affixed to vehicles that have the tires,” Rick says. “One of the goals of the partnership with the Maryland Soybean Board is to call attention to soy-based tires and to advertise that we, as a public service agency, are using these tires to create public awareness about them. Our vehicles are rolling billboards for the tires.”
Looking ahead, Prince George’s County is excited to grow its soy tire program. They’re considering more sizes and uses for these tires, including high-performance options suitable for police vehicles — a potential game-changer for public safety.
In addition to the environmental benefits, soy tires support local agriculture, creating new markets for farmers. “Prince George’s County has a long-standing and proud agricultural heritage,” Rick says. “In addition to the environmental and sustainability benefits of soy-based tires, we were happy to enact a program that supports farmers and provides additional outlets for their products.”
Hungry for more? Read about other soybean uses. Learn more about soybeans.
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