The A-mazing Use of Cover Crops

By Amber Rozich, Gaver Farm 
The Gaver Farm 2015 Maryland Pride and Apple Kiddie Corn Mazes were harvested in November 2015, and we then planted winter rye. The photo below was taken in April 2016 of the rye cover crop. Can you see the apple paths in the rye? The maze’s paths are a darker color green than the rest of the field. This is because more nutrients are available to the rye since no corn crop grew on the paths to utilize the nutrients. The rye where the corn grew is light green because the corn used those nutrients. Our goal as farmers is to only apply the amount of nutrients that the growing crop will need. This is a perfect example of the value of cover crops.
Cover crops are hard-working plants that build productive soil and help control weeds, pests and diseases. They can be any type of plant but are generally grasses (including cereal grains, which may be harvested) or legumes. They may be tilled into the soil as a green fertilizer or used as mulch on the surface. In 2015, we planted rye cover crops on all acreage we use to grow corn, soybeans and pumpkins.
Cover crops stabilize nutrients by covering the soil to prevent excess nitrogen from leaching into water sources. Their roots and top growth build soil quality by providing organic matter to enhance soil structure. The roots stabilize soil movement for erosion control. Legume cover crops thrive on nitrogen; convert nitrogen and store it in the roots so that it is released and available for the next season’s plants. The cover crops have good timing because they grow during the winter when the ground would normally be bare.
Farmers plant cover crops over the winter to protect the soil and recycle nutrients for next season’s crop naturally. They are recognized as one of the most cost-effective and environmentally promising ways to reduce runoff into the Chesapeake Bay. As local farmers who have produced and harvested agricultural products for many generations, Gaver Farm takes great pride in being good stewards of the land. Sustainable farming practices like planting cover crops are our top priority.
Gaver Farm is a diversified family farming operation, established in 1978. Originating with cut-your-own Christmas trees, our farm has grown and developed into a diverse agritourism farm filled with a variety of crops, sights, games and educational opportunities. Gaver Farm is a family-owned and operated business. Michael and Lisa Gaver, always incorporating their children in their passion for agriculture, welcomed their children and spouses back to the farm resulting in its dynamic growth seen today.
Gaver Farm hosts two main seasons: fall and Christmas. During the fall season, Gaver Farm offers the Fall Fun Festival and pick-your-own apples, sunflowers and pumpkins, as well as delicious foods. The Christmas season offers cut-your-own Christmas trees, precut Christmas trees, fresh greenery and wreaths. Regardless of the season, Gaver Farm’s value in agricultural education is undeniable, as shown in community efforts, educational opportunities and overall outreach.
Hungry for more? Read about agritourism in the fall. Learn more about this farm tour promoting ag education.
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