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The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on 2024 Friday—The Huge, GIANT Rain Event, Friday, October 25, 2024

Chapter 10, Now What?!!!

“Now what!!?”  I looked at Boo Berry, “Now what do we do?”
Boo Berry just looked at me with huge, huge, bug eyes and started shaking and shivering.
“You are helpless,” I said.

“No, I’m not, but I’ve never lived where a big storm could come and get me.  I lived the first three years of my life in a small cage with a blanket for a bed and no windows.  I have only experienced storms HERE!  With you and Mom and Dad!!  And Mom or Dad or both of them are always here with us.  I have never had this happen before ever! “  Boo Berry explained.

I just looked at her.  Shook my head in sad dis-belief, and walked over to the kitchen window.
With a graceful leap I placed myself on the ledge of the kitchen window.

Suddenly my tail bushed way out and the fur on my back started raising way up.
“What do you see out there?”  Boo Berry asked me.

“Nothing.” I replied.  Blue skies, a few very fast moving clouds, and wind.  Not the over-the-top kind of wind that took out the willow tree branch but a kinda wind I really don’t like being in.  The kind that ruffles up you fur, if you know what I mean.”  I explained to Boo Berry.

Nothing.  But my tail says there IS something, I mused to myself.
“Maybe we can see something upstairs.  If you look out the bed window and I look out the office window maybe we will understand what your tail is trying to tell us.” Boo Berry suggested.
“Sounds like a plan!”  I jumped down out the kitchen window and raced as hard and fast as I could through the house to the stairs, Boo Berry just behind me eating my dust.
Quickly I jumped onto the bed, then up onto the window sill.  Turning slightly I saw Boo Berry hop onto the sewing machine chair, then over onto the cedar chest and push her nose against the window trying to see if there is a reason my tail is so bushy.
“What do you see?” I yelled.

“Nothing!  Just a lot of fast-moving clouds, the wind moving the leaves around in the tree, and the blue sky starting to grow smaller.”
“Yeah, that’s about what I see also.”
I jumped down, Boo Berry jumped down.

“Now what?” I wondered out loud, “what now?”

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